









全军骨科专业委员会副主任委员,全国关节外科委员,髋关节外科工作委员会执委,副组长, 膝关节外科工作委员会委员,江苏省骨科专业委员会副主任委员,南京市骨科专业委员会主任委员等,并担任《医学研究生学报》副主编、《中华创伤骨科杂志》、《中国骨与关节损伤杂志》、《中国矫形外科杂志》、《中国骨伤》、《中华解剖与临床》、《the jourmai of arthroplasty》中文版杂志等杂志的常务编委和编委。


1978.09  西安第四军医大学本科

1983.07  第四军医大学唐都医院医师

1985.09  西安第四军医大学硕士研究生

1988.07  南京军区南京总医院骨科主治医师

1995.01  南京军区南京总医院骨科副主任、副主任医师

1999.12  南京军区南京总医院骨科主任医师

2000.06  南京军区南京总医院骨科主任


1expression of xbp1s in fibroblasts is critical for tial 6 v 4 particle-induced rankl expression and osteolysis    j orthop res  2017,354):752-959   if 2.692

2probiotics protect mice from cocrmo  particles-induced osteolysis  international journal of nanomedicine  2017,125387-5397   if 4.300

3tial 6 v 4 particles promote osteoclast formation via autophagy-mediated downregulation of interferon-beta in osteocytes   acta biomaterialia  20174815):489-498  if 6.319

 4estrogen-like neuroprotection of isopsoralen against spinal cord injury through estrogen receptor erα   metab brain dis  2017321):259-265  if 2.297

 5effect of zbd-2 on chronic pain, depressive-like behaviors, and recovery of motor function following spinal cord injury in mice   behavioural brain research  201732292-99   if 3.00200

6the mechanism of human β-defensin 3 in mrsa-inducedinfection of implant drug-resistant bacteria biofilmin the mouse tibial bone marrow.   experimental and therapeutic medicine   2017,131347-1352   if:1.269

7dioscin enhances osteoblastic cell differentiation and proliferation by inhibiting cell autophagy via the aspp2/nfκβ pathway.  2017164):4922-4926 molecular medicine reports   if:1.69

8sirt1 protects osteoblasts against particle-induced inflammatory responses and apoptosis in aseptic prosthesis loosening   acta biomaterialia  201749541-554   if 6.319

9an overview of hydrogel-based intra-articular drug delivery for the treatment of osteoarthritis  colloids and surfaces b: biointerfaces   201715433-39  if 3.887

10bdkrb2 þ9/?9bp polymorphisms influence bdkrb2 expression   levels and no production in knee osteoarthritis   experimental biology and medicine  20172424):422-428   if 2.688

11molecular hydrogen decelerates rheumatoid arthritis progression through inhibition of oxidative stress   the america journal of translation research  the america journal of translation research   2016810):4472-4477   if3.146

12harmful effects of leukocyte-rich platelet-rich plasma on rabbit tendon stem cells in vitro   the american journal of sports  medicine  2016448):1941-1951 if 4.517

13the bdkrb2 9/-9 polymorphisms influence pro-inflammatory cytokine levels in knee osteoarthritis by altering tlr-2 expression: clinical and in vitro studies   cellular physiology and biochemistry   2016383):1245-1256  if 4.652

14a novel translocator protein 18 kda ligand, zbd-2, exerts neuroprotective effects

against acute spinal cord injury   clinical and experimental pharmacology and physiology   20164310):930-938   if 2.004

15histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin a promotes the apoptosis of osteosarcoma cells through p53signaling pathway activation   international journal of biolojical sciences    20161211):1298-1308   if: 3.982

16autophagy mediated cocrmo particle-induced  peri-implant osteolysis by promoting osteoblast  apoptosis  autophagy  20151112):2358 – 2369   if 11.753

17the fibroblast expression of  rankl in cocrmo-particle-induced osteolysis is mediated by er stress and xbp1s   acta biomaterialia   201524352-360  if 6.025

18osteoprotective effect of combination therapy of low-dose oestradiol with g15, a specific antagonist of gpr30/gper          in ovariectomy-induced   osteoporotic rats   bioscience reports   2015354):94-100   if 2.637

19associations of poiymorphisma in the bone morphogenetic protein-2 gene with risk and prognosis of osteosarcoma in a chinese population   tumor bio   2015,363):2059-2064    if 3.611l  

20tumor-suppressing effects of mir-141 in human osteosarcoma   cell biochemistry and biophysics  201469319-325   if2.38  

21particle-induced osteolysis mediated by endoplasmic reticulum stress in  prosthesis loosening   biomaterials  20133411):2611-2623   if 8.312  


1肠道菌群在人工关节无菌性松动发病过程中的作用及其机制研究   国家自然基金面上项目   2018.01-2021.12   55

2磨损微粒诱导的成骨细胞自噬在关节假体周围无菌性松动发病中的作用及机制研究   国家自然基金面上项目   201601-2019.12   57

3成骨细胞自噬在磨损颗粒致骨溶解过程中作用及其机制研究   江苏省自然基金  2016-2019  10

4江苏省骨科临床中心    江苏省科技厅资助项目   2012-2015  150

5内质网应激抑制剂4-phenylbutyrate4-pba)减轻磨损微粒诱导骨溶解的机制研究  南京市课题

2014-2016   5

6抗假体松动骨水泥的研制及其抑制关节置换后骨溶解中的作用   江苏省自然基金  2012-2015  10


1、长骨血供的基础与临床研究   江苏省科技进步二等奖   2004年,第一完成人

2、长骨血供的影响因素与骨折治疗   军队科技进步二等奖   2004年,第二完成人

3、人工关节置换的基础与临床研究  江苏省科技进步二等奖  2006年,第一完成人


5、战创伤关节软骨损伤的早期修复研究  军队科技进步二等奖  2012年,第一完成人

6、骨关节软骨疾病的外科治疗   江苏省科技进步二等奖   2013年,第二完成人

7、关节软骨损伤序惯性治疗的基础和临床研究   军队医疗成果二等奖  2014年,第一完成人

8、一种用于关节腔内注射治疗软骨缺损的非病毒纳米核酸转运复合物及其制备方法     国家发明专利     2011年,第一完成人
