


















卢光明,主任医师,技术二级、文职一级。现任中国人民解放军东部战区总医院医学影像中心主任,南京大学医学院临床综合教研室主任、博导。长期工作在临床一线,影像诊断上造诣深厚。注重创新,在解决心脑血管病、神经系统疾病和肿瘤等的早期精准诊断方面做出了重要贡献。以第一和通讯(共同通讯)作者发表sci文章295篇,总影响因子1529.4if1025篇,if584篇。主编专著13部。以第一完成人获国家科技进步二等奖1项、省部级一等奖5项、二等奖2项。获何梁何利科学与技术进步奖(2020年)、全国优秀科技工作者、军队杰出专业技术人才奖、江苏省杰出人才、中华放射学会杰出学术科研奖、南京市“十大科技之星” 、江苏省“百名医德之星”及政府特殊津贴等荣誉。带领的学科为国家临床重点专科首批军队建设单位、全军医学影像中心、科教强卫工程江苏省临床医学中心(医学影像)。在2018 年、2019年复旦大学最佳专科排行榜综合排名为全国并列第 5。培养国家基金委杰出青年1名,优秀青年3名;国家青年长江学者2名。


1.shi z#, miao c#, schoepf uj, savage rh, dargis dm, pan c#, chai x#, li xl#, xia s#, zhang x#, gu y, zhang y, hu b, xu w, zhou c, luo s, wang h, mao l, liang k, wen l, zhou l, yu y, lu gm*, zhang lj*. a clinically applicable deep-learning model for detecting intracranial aneurysm in computed tomography angiography images. nat commun. 2020;11(1):6090. published 2020 nov 30. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-19527-w. [if=14.919] (共同通讯)

2.xu q, zhan x, zhou z, li y, xie p, zhang s, li x, yu y, zhou c, zhang l, gevaert o*, lu g*. ai-based analysis of ct images for rapid triage of covid-19 patients. npj digit med. 2021 apr 22;4(1):75. [if=11.653](共同通讯)

3.qianqian ni*, fuwu zhang*, yijing liu, zhantong wang, guocan yu, brian liang,gang niu, ting su, guizhi zhu, guangming lu, longjiang zhang, xiaoyuan chen .a bi-adjuvant nanovaccine that potentiates immunogenicity of neoantigen for combination immunotherapy of colorectal cancer.science advances.2020, 6(12): eaaw6071. [if=14.136](共同通讯)

4.zhang, l.li, m.zhou, q.dang, m.tang, y.wang, s.fu, j.teng, z*.lu, g*. computed tomography and photoacoustic imaging guided photodynamic therapy against breast cancer based on mesoporous platinum with insitu oxygen generation ability [j]. acta pharm sin b, 2020, 10(9): 1719-1729. [if=11.413] (共同通讯)

5.teng z, li w*, tang y, elzatahry a, lu gm(卢光明)*, zhao d*. mesoporous organosilica hollow nanoparticles: synthesis and applications. adv mater. 2019, 31:38. [if=30.849](共同通讯)

6.fan w, lu n, shen z*, tang w, shen b, cui z, shan l, yang z, wang z, jacobson o, zhou z, liu y, hu p, yang w, song j, zhang y, zhang l, khashab nm, aronova ma, lu gm(卢光明)*, chen x*. generic synthesis of small-sized hollow mesoporous organosilica nanoparticles for oxygen-independent x-ray-activated synergistic therapy. nat commun. 2019;10(1):1241. [if=14.919] (共同通讯)

7.teng z, wang c, tang y, li w*, bao l, zhang x, su x, zhang f, zhang j, wang s, zhao d*, lu g*. deformable hollow periodic mesoporous organosilica nanocapsules for significantly improved cellular uptake. j am chem soc. 2018 ;140(4):1385-1393. if=15.419】(共同通讯)

8.wang s*, ma x, hong x, cheng y, tian y, zhao s, liu w, tang y, zhao r, song l, teng z, lu g*. adjuvant photothermal therapy inhibits local recurrences after breast-conserving surgery with little skin damage. acs nano. 2018;12(1):662-670. if=15.881】(共同通讯)

9.lu n, fan w*, yi x, wang s, wang z, tian r, jacobson o, liu y, yung bc, zhang g, teng z, yang k, zhang m, niu g, lu g*, chen x*. biodegradable hollow mesoporous organosilica nanotheranostics for mild hyperthermia-induced bubble-enhanced oxygen-sensitized radiotherapy. acs nano. 2018;12(2):1580-1591. if=15.881】(共同通讯)

10.wu j, wang s, zhang x, teng z, wang j, yung bc, niu g, zhu h, lu g*, chen x*. 18f-alfatide ii pet/ct for identification of breast cancer: a preliminary clinical study. j nucl med. 2018;59(12):1809-1816. if=10.057】(共同通讯)

11.yang zl, tian w, wang q, zhao y, zhang yl, tian y, tang yx, wang sj, liu y, ni qq, lu gm*, teng zg*, zhang lj*. oxygen-evolving mesoporous organosilica coated prussian blue nanoplatform for highly efficient photodynamic therapy of tumors. adv sci (weinh). 2018 feb 22;5(5):1700847. if=16.806】(共同通讯)

12.lu n, huang p, fan wp, wang zt, liu yj, wang s, zhang gf, hu jk, liu wf, niu g, leapman rd, lu gm*, chen xy*. tri-stimuli-responsive biodegradable theranostics for mild hyperthermia enhanced chemotherapy. biomaterials. 2017;126:39-48. if=12.479】(共同通讯)

13.teng zg, wang rh, zhou y, kolios m, wang yj, zhang n, wang zg, zheng yy*, lu gm*. a magnetic droplet vaporization approach using perfluorohexane-encapsulated magnetic mesoporous particles for ultrasound imaging and tumor ablation. biomaterials. 2017;134:43-50. if=12.479】(共同通讯)

14.tian w, su yy, tian y, wang sj, su xd, liu y, zhang yl, tang yx, ni qq, liu wf, dang m, wang cy, zhang jj, teng zg*, lu gm*. periodic mesoporous organosilica coated prussian blue for mr/pa dual-modal imaging-guided photothermalchemotherapy of triple negative breast cancer. advanced science. 2017;4(3):1600356. if=16.806】(共同通讯)

15.zeng ly, pan yw, zou rf, zhang jc, tian y, teng zg, wang sj, ren wz, xiao xs, zhang jc, zhang ll, li ag, lu gm*, wu ag*. 808 nm-excited upconversion nanoprobes with low heating effect for targeted magnetic resonance imaging and high-efficacy photodynamic therapy in her2-overexpressed breast cancer. biomaterials. 2016;103:116-27.if=12.479】(共同通讯)

16.  wang sj, tian y, tian w, sun j, zhao s, liu y, wang cy,tang yx, ma xq, teng zg, lu gm*. selectively sensitizing malignant cells to photothermal therapy using a cd44-targeting heat shock protein 72 depletion nanosystem. acs nano. 2016;10(9):8578-8590.if=15.881】(共同通讯)

17.  liao w, wang j, xu t, zhang zq, ji gj, xu q, wang zg, yang f, zuo xn, qiu aq, zang yf, lu gm*, chen hf*. altered relationship between thickness and intrinsic activity amplitude in generalized tonic-clonic seizures. science bulletin. 2016;61(24):1865-1875. if=11.78】(共同通讯)

18.  zhou y, wang rh, teng zg, wang zg, hu b, kolios m, chen hr, zhang na, wang yj, li p, wu x, lu gm*, chen y*, zheng yy*. magnetic nanoparticle-promoted droplet vaporization for in vivo stimuli-responsive cancer theranostics. npg asia materials. 2016;8:e313if=10.481】(共同通讯)



  1. 癫痫活动定位的功能影像学表征、生物学基础及临床转化体系构建(编号:81790653468万元),国家自然科学基金重大项目-子课题,负责人:卢光明,2018.01-2022.12

  2. 江苏省临床医学影像中心(编号:yxzxa2016007500万元),江苏省卫生计生委,负责人:卢光明,2016.01-2020.12

  3. 军人健康信息存储和管理系统(138万元),军队后勤科技成果扩试项目,负责人:卢光明, 2020.05-2021.12

  4. 结题:

  5. 基于影像实时动态多元分子分型的乳腺癌精准诊疗关键技术研究(编号:2014cb7445002600万),973项目,首席科学家:卢光明,2014.01-2018.12

  6. 多模态分子成像研究新型纳米药物及联合抗血管新生药物对乳腺癌的疗效(编号:81120108013280万元),国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,负责人:卢光明,2012.01-2016.12

  7. 胶质瘤epha2靶向治疗分子机制及精准诊疗一体化分子影像学研究(编号:81530054250万元),国家自然科学基金重点项目,负责人:卢光明,2016.01-2020.12

  8. 国家临床重点专科中心(军队建设项目)(编号:2014zdzk004,300万),总后卫生部,负责人:卢光明,2014.01 - 2018.12

  9. 乳腺癌影像分子分型研究的临床转化(编号:bk20140057100万元),江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,负责人:卢光明,2014.07-2017.06

  10. 双超低”ct冠状动脉成像技术优化、准确性评估及预后预测研究(编号:142x1340万元),军区重点项目,负责人:卢光明,2015.01-2017.12

  11. 磁共振功能成像技术在重大疾病诊疗体系中的规范化应用及技术标准研究(分项目,编号:20140201981万元),卫生公益性行业科研专项项目,分项目负责人:卢光明,2014.01-2017.12







