











 1979.09-1984.08 南通医学院医疗系本科,学士学位

 1984.09-1986.08 南通医学院附属医院,眼科住院医师

 1986.09-1989.12 北京医科大学研究生院临床医学专业,硕士博士研究生

 1989.10至今 南京总医院眼科,历任主治医师、副主任医师、主任医师/教授/副主任/主任


 1.lu y, tian n, yin j, shi y, huang z. association between sleep duration and cancer risk: a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. plos one. 2013 sep 4;8(9):e74723.  

 2.lu y1, shi y, yin j, huang z. are glutathione s-transferase polymorphisms (gstm1, gstt1) associated with primary open angle glaucoma? a meta-analysis. gene. 2013 sep 15;527(1):311-5.  

 3.lu y, ge y, shi y, yin j, huang z. two polymorphisms (rs699947, rs2010963) in the vegfa gene and diabetic retinopathy: an updated meta-analysis. bmc ophthalmol. 2013 oct 16;13:56.  

 4.yan f, lu y, yin j1, jiang f, huang zp. allogeneic corneoscleral limbus tissue transplantation for treatment of the necrosis in porphyria eye disease. int j ophthalmol. 2014 aug 18;7(4):731-3.  

 5.lu y, shi yh, yang lp, ge yr, chen xf1, wu y, huang zp. femtosecond laser-assisted deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty for keratoconus and keratectasia. int j ophthalmol. 2014 aug 18;7(4):638-43.  

 6.yan f1, lu y, yin j1, jiang f, huang zp. allogeneic corneoscleral limbus tissue transplantation for treatment of the necrosis in porphyria eye disease. int j ophthalmol. 2014 aug 18;7(4):731-3.

 7.lu y, shi yh, yang lp, ge yr, chen xf, wu y, huang zp. femtosecond laser-assisted deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty for keratoconus and keratectasia. int j ophthalmol. 2014 aug 18;7(4):638-43.   

 8.xue c, chen y, huang z, ge y, wang h2, wang j. ephb4 expression in pterygium is associated with microvessel density. int j clin exp med. 2014 nov 15;7(11):4008-15.

 9.xue c, xia y, chen y1, hu q, huang z. a novel approach: treating corneal perforation with corneal lenticule. chin med j (engl). 2014;127(24):4295.

 10.yan f1, cai l, hui y, chen s, meng h, huang z. tolerogenic dendritic cells suppress murine corneal allograft rejection by modulating cd28/ctla-4 expression on regulatory t cells. cell biol int. 2014 jul;38(7):835-48.  

 11.lu y, yang l, ge y, chen x, huang z. femtosecond laser-assisted anterior lamellar keratoplasty for the treatment of stromal corneal pathology. bmc ophthalmol. 2015 mar 1;15:15.  

 12.chen y, hu dn, xia y, yang l, xue c, huang z. comparison of femtosecond laser-assisted deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty and penetrating keratoplasty for keratoconus. bmc ophthalmol. 2015 oct 27;15:144.  

 13.zhang y1, xue c1, cui h2, huang z3. high expression of taz indicates a poor prognosis in retinoblastoma. diagn pathol. 2015 oct 13;10:187.   

 14.yan f, he j, tang l, kong y, shi y, chen s, huang z. transforming growth factor-β2 increases the capacity of retinal pigment epithelial cells to induce the generation of regulatory t cells. mol med rep. 2016 feb;13(2):1367-72.   

 15. chen x, zhao m, shi y, yang l, lu y, huang z. visual outcomes and optical quality after implantation of a diffractive multifocal toric intraocular lens. indian j ophthalmol. 2016 apr;64(4):285-91.  

 16. zhang y, wu d, xia f, xian h, zhu x, cui h, huang z. downregulation of hdac9 inhibits cell proliferation and tumor formation by inducing cell cycle arrest in retinoblastoma. biochem biophys res commun. 2016 apr 29;473(2):600-6.  

 17. zhang y, xue c, zhu x, zhu x, xian h, huang z. suppression of microrna-125a-5p upregulates the taz-egfr signaling pathway and promotes retinoblastoma proliferation. cell signal. 2016 aug;28(8):850-60.  

 18. lu y, chen x, yang l, xue c, huang z. femtosecond laser-assisted deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty with big-bubble technique for keratoconus. indian j ophthalmol. 2016 sep;64(9):639-642.   

 19. xue c, chen y2, hu dn3, iacob c4, lu c5, huang z1. chrysin induces cell apoptosis in human uveal melanoma cells via intrinsic apoptosis. oncol lett. 2016 dec;12(6):4813-4820.  

 20. xu r1, wang h, jiang f, xue c, huang z, bradley a. can down-gaze during near work cause peripheral deprivation in asian eyes? optom vis sci. 2016 dec;93(12):1513-1524.  

 21. lu y, grisolia ab, ge yr, xue cy, cao q, yang lp, huang zp. comparison of femtosecond laser-assisted descemetic and predescemetic lamellar keratoplasty for keratoconus. indian j ophthalmol. 2017 jan;65(1):19-23.  

 22. zhang y, zhu x, zhu x, wu y, liu y, yao b, huang z. mir-613 suppresses retinoblastoma cell proliferation, invasion, and tumor formation by targeting e2f5. tumour biol. 2017 mar;39(3):1010428317691674.  

 23. ma j, yang y, fu y, guo f, zhang x, xiao s, zhu w, huang z, zhang j, chen j1,3. pias3-mediated feedback loops promote chronic colitis-associated malignant transformation. theranostics. 2018 apr 30;8(11):3022-3037.  

 24. wu y, xue c, lu y, huang z. the inhibitory effect of different concentrations of kh902 eye drops on corneal neovascularization induced by alkali burn. indian j ophthalmol. 2017 nov;65(11):1127-1132.   

 25. ye f, zhou f, xia y, zhu x, wu y, huang z. evaluation of meibomian gland and tear film changes in patients with pterygium. indian j ophthalmol. 2017 mar;65(3):233-237.  

26. chen y, cao q, xue c, huang z. comparison of two techniques for toric intraocular lens implantation: hydroimplantation versus ophthalmic viscosurgical devices. bmc ophthalmol. 2018 apr 24;18(1):109.


国家自然科学基金面上项目 微环境变化对骨桥蛋白促进角膜新生血管形成的作用及机制研究

南京军区面上 aqp1在视网膜激光损伤中的作用及其机制研究



 ozil扭动式超声乳化技术和特殊设计的人工晶体在白内障手术中的应用   江苏省医学新技术引进二等奖

角膜共焦显微镜的临床应用    江苏省医学新技术引进二等奖二项

 nf-κb信号通路与单纯疱疹病毒性角膜炎复发机制的研究  江苏医学科技奖三等奖

飞秒激光在成分角膜移植中的应用     军队科学技术进步三等奖
