![]() 窦环博士
电话:025-89681086邮箱:douhuan@nju.edu.cn 地址:南京大学鼓楼校区东南楼230室研究方向:
固有免疫与炎症性疾病 博士,高级工程师,硕士研究生导师 江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才 教育经历 1997-2001年,中国药科大学药学院,本科生 2002-2005年,南京大学生命科学学院,硕士研究生 2012-2013年,美国purdue university, college of pharmacy,访问学者 2009-2013年,南京大学生命科学学院,博士研究生 工作经历: 2006年-至今,南京大学,高级工程师,硕士生导师 教学科研情况: 主要从事免疫学的实验教学及研究工作,建立“医学免疫学研究导向型”实验教学模式,指导大学生创新训练项目及研究生高水平研究技能培训,主持2项南京大学本科生教学改革项目,参与江苏省本科生教改重点项目等,获软件著作权1项。长期致力于固有免疫调控炎症性疾病的分子免疫机制及临床转化研究,主持国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金等科研课题13项,参与国家自然科学基金重大研究计划、科技部“重大新药创制”科技专项基金、教育部博士点专项基金、江苏省科技厅社会发展(医药)重点项目等研究项目。授权中国发明专利2项,发表国内外期刊论文80余篇,为arthritis rheumatol、front immunol、phenomics、clin transl discov等学术期刊审稿人。 中国免疫学会江苏省青工委委员 江苏省免疫学会转化医学专业委员会委员 江苏省免疫学会免疫与代谢专业委员会委员 近5年,通讯/共同通讯作者 1. qiao x, lu l, zhou k, tan l, liu x, ni j, hou y*, liang j*, dou h*. the correlation between proteoglycan 2 and neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus. clin immunol. 2022, 239:109042. 2. ni j, zhu h, lu l, zhao z, jiang j, you x, wang y, ma y, yang z, hou y*, dou h*. hydroxychloroquine induces apoptosis of myeloid-derived suppressor cells via up-regulation of cd81 contributing to alleviate lupus symptoms. mol med, 2022. 28(1):65. 3. lu l, liu x, fu j, liang j*, hou y*, dou h*. strem-1 promotes the phagocytic function of microglia to induce hippocampus damage via the pi3k-akt signaling pathway. sci rep. 2022, 12(1):7047. 4. wang s, tan q*, hou y *, dou h*. emerging roles of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in diabetes. front. pharmacol. 2021, 12:798320. 5. lu l, wang h, liu x, tan l, qiao x, ni j, sun y*, liang j*, hou y*, dou h*. pyruvate kinase isoform m2 impairs cognition in systemic lupus erythematosus by promoting microglial synaptic pruning via the β-catenin signaling pathway. j neuroinflammation. 2021 oct 13;18(1):229. 6. li d, lu l, kong w, xia x, pan y, li j, wang j, wang t*, liang j*, dou h*, hou y*. c-type lectin receptor dectin3 deficiency balances the accumulation and function of foxo1-mediated lox-1 m-mdscs in relieving lupus-like symptoms. cell death dis, 2021 sep 3;12(9):829. 7. shi g, li d, zhang d, xu y, pan y, lu l, li j, xia x, dou h*, hou y*. irf-8/mir-451a regulates m-mdsc differentiation via the ampk/mtor signal pathway during lupus development. cell death discov, 2021, 7(1):179. 8. sun z, qu j, xia x, pan y, liu x, liang h*, dou h*, hou y*. 17β-estradiol promotes lc3b-associated phagocytosis in trained immunity of female mice against sepsis. int j biol sci, 2021, 17(2):460-474. 9. lu l, zhu h, wang h, liang h, hou y*, dou h*. h. sinensis mycelium inhibits epithelial-mesenchymal transition by inactivating the midkine pathway in pulmonary fibrosis. front med, 2021, 15(2):313-329. 10. fu j, lu l, wang h, hou y*, dou h*. hirsutella sinensis mycelium regulates autophagy of alveolar macrophages via tlr4/nf-κb signaling pathway. int j med sci, 2021, 18(8):1810-1823. 11. qiao x, wang h, lu l, chen j, cheng q, guo m, hou y*,dou h*. hippocampal microglia cd40 mediates npsle cognitive dysfunction in mice. j neuroimmunol, 2021, 357:577620. 12. lu l, kong w, zhou k, chen j, hou y*,dou h*, liang j*. association of lipoproteins and thyroid hormones with cognitive dysfunction in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. bmc rheumatol. 2021, 5(1):18. 13. tan l, liu x, dou h*, hou y*. characteristics and regulation of mesenchymal stem cell plasticity by the microenvironment specific factors involved in the regulation of msc plasticity. genes dis, 2020, 9(2):296-309. 14. li d, pan y, xia x, liang j, liu f*, dou h*, hou y*. bacteroides fragilis alleviates the symptoms of lupus nephritis via regulating cd1d and cd86 expressions in b cells. eur j pharmacol, 2020. 884:173421. 15. lu l, tong y, wang w, hou y*, dou h*, liu z*. characterization and significance of monocytes in acute stanford type b aortic dissection. j immunol res, 2020:9670360. 16. sun z, pan y, qu j, xu y, dou h*, hou y*. 17β-estradiol promotes trained immunity in females against sepsis via regulating nucleus translocation of relb. front immunol, 2020, 11:1591. 17. zhu h, fu j, chen s, li x, liang h*, hou y*, dou h*. fc-99 reduces macrophage tenascin-c expression by upregulating mirna-494 in arthritis. int immunopharmacol, 2020, 79:106105. 18. gong w, zhu h, lu l, hou y, dou h*. a benzenediamine analog fc-99 drives m2 macrophage polarization and alleviates lipopolysaccharide- (lps-) induced liver injury. mediators inflamm, 2019, 2019:7823069. 19. xu y, li y, liu x, pan y, sun z, xue y, wang t, dou h*, hou y*. spions enhances il-10-producing macrophages to relieve sepsis via cav1-notch1/hes1-mediated autophagy. int j nanomedicine, 2019, 14:6779-6797. 20. li d, qi j, wang j, pan y, li j, xia x, dou h*, hou y*. protective effect of dihydroartemisinin in inhibiting senescence of myeloid-derived suppressor cells from lupus mice via nrf2/ho-1 pathway. free radic biol med, 2019, 143:260-274. 21. li d, shi g, wang j, zhang d, pan y, dou h*, hou y*. baicalein ameliorates pristane-induced lupus nephritis via activating nrf2/ho-1 in myeloid-derived suppressor cells. arthritis res ther, 2019, 21(1):105. 22. shi g, li d, ren j, li x, wang t*, dou h*, hou y*. mtor inhibitor ink128 attenuates dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis by promotion of mdscs on treg cell expansion. j cell physiol. j cell physiol, 2019, 234(2):1618-1629. 23. shi g, li d, li x, ren j, xu j, ding l, dou h*, hou y*. mtor inhibitor ink128 attenuates systemic lupus erythematosus by regulating inflammation induced cd11b gr1 cells. biochim biophys acta mol basis dis, 2019, 1865(1):1-13. 24. xu y, xue y, liu x, li y, liang h*, dou h*, hou y*. ferumoxytol attenuates the function of mdscs to ameliorate lps-induced immunosuppression in sepsis. nanoscale res lett. 2019, 14(1):379. 25. zhang d, xu j, ren j, ding l, shi g, li dan, dou h*, hou y*. mdscs induce podocyte injury through increasing reactive oxygen species in lupus nephritis. front immunol. 2018, 9:1443. 26. li x, zhang x, pan y, shi g, ren j, fan h, dou h*, hou y*. mtor regulates nlrp3 inflammasome activation via reactive oxygen species in murine lupus. acta biochim biophys sin (shanghai), 2018, 50(9):888-896. 1.国家自然科学基金面上项目(32070883):狼疮中foxo1调控独特表型lox-1 m-mdsc数量及其功能变化的机制研究,2021/01-2024/12。主持 2.国家自然科学基金面上项目(32171358):3d打印曲面梯度支架负载mdscs和mscs构建血管化半月板的研究,2022/01-2025/12。合作参与 3.白求恩•普爱医学研究基金(payj-008):基于高通量蛋白芯片的狼疮性脑病新型生物标志物研究,2022/06-2024/06。合作参与 4.江苏省重点研发计划(社会发展)临床前沿项目(be2019617):toll样受体激动剂在卵巢癌分子靶向精准诊治中的技术开发与应用研究,2019/07-2022/06。合作参与 5.横向课题(20190167):中药饮片鹿血晶药效及作用机制药效评价的合作,2019/06-2022/06。主持 6.江苏省六大人才高峰高层次人才项目(yy-021):strem-1介导小胶质细胞m1极化在促进狼疮脑病进展中的分子机制研究。主持 7.国家自然科学基金青年项目(81402940):fc-99通过mirlet-7调控巨噬细胞il-6缓解ra的作用机制研究。主持 8.江苏省自然科学基金青年项目(bk20140615):fc-99通过mir let-7调控巨噬细胞产生il-6的分子机制及其在抗类风湿性关节炎中的作用。主持 9.江苏省教育厅研究生培养创新工程基金(cxzz11_0036):新型靶向金属碳硼烷分子探针的抗肿瘤作用及机理初探。主持 10.中央高校原创与交叉研究培养基金(021414380342):髓系抑制性细胞在3d打印精准构建小口径血管术后再狭窄中的作用研究。主持 11.横向课题(0214151037):云克影响ra骨侵蚀的细胞信号转导途径及机制。主持 2015年,获南京大学医学院“优秀带教与实验教学技术人员”称号; 2018年,获全国虚拟教学网络设计大赛三等奖; 2018年,获江苏省第十五批“六大人才高峰”高层次人才称号; 2019年,获南京大学“本科实践教学优秀指导教师”称号; 2022年,获南京大学育教融合奖。 |