










秦进中,男,20001月赴美国克利夫兰州立大学(cleveland state university)生物学系攻读博士学位。博士课题在克利夫兰医学中心(cleveland clinic foundation)xiaoxia li实验室完成,主要利用转基因和基因剔除小鼠模型研究白介素1toll样受体(il-1/tlr)介导的细胞内信号通路及其免疫调节功能。20057-20083月于美国麻省总医院肿瘤中心,哈佛干细胞及再生医学研究所,哈佛大学医学院从事博士后研究工作,并在20084月被提升为遗传助理(assistant in genetics)。这期间主要从事干细胞增殖分化分子机制的研究。博士后期间承担多项美国nih科研项目,并获多项个人研究资助和奖励(mgh ecor fund for medical discovery awardnih training grant t32 2012d006265p50 nih mount sinai school of medicine)201310月通过南京大学引进高层次人才计划回国,受聘于南京大学模式动物研究所。2015年获得江苏省双创人才支持。近年来在国外刊物(sci)以第一作者或通讯联系人发表论文16篇,非第一作者发表论文20多篇;论文被引用超过6000多次,多项研究受到领域内的高度关注。主要研究方向针对干细胞增殖与分化的表观遗传调控机制,着重以多梳蛋白(polycomb)复合物为模型,运用包括小鼠遗传学,基因组学和疍白组学等多学科手段,探寻表观遗传机制在基因调控、干细胞增殖与分化、胚胎发育和肿瘤发生中的作用,最终结合所获得知识促进干细胞替代疗法的临床应用,并提供合理而独特的药物设计线索治疗肿瘤等疾病。


  1. zhu y, dong l, wang c, hao k, wang j, zhao l, xu l, xia y, jiang q, qin j.* functional redundancy among polycomb complexes in maintaining the pluripotent state of embryonic stem cells. stem cell reports. 2022 may 10;17(5):1198-1214.

  1. wang c, hao k, dong l, wang j, zhao l, xu l, xia y, jiang q, qin j*. the muvb complex safeguards embryonic stem cell identity through regulation of the cell cycle machinery. j biol chem. 2022 mar;298(3):101701.

  1. huang y, su t, wang c, dong l, liu s, zhu y, hao k, xia y*, jiang q*, qin j*. rbbp4 suppresses premature differentiation of embryonic stem cells. stem cell reports. 2021 mar 9;16(3):566-581.

  1. qin j*, wang c, zhu y, su t, dong l, huang y, hao k. mga safeguards embryonic stem cells from acquiring extraembryonic endoderm fates. science advances. 2021 jan 20;7(4):eabe5689.

  1. liu m, zhu y, xing f, liu s, xia y, jiang q, qin j*. the polycomb group protein pcgf6 mediates germline gene silencing by recruiting histone-modifying proteins to target gene promoters. j biol chem. 2020 jul 10;295(28):9712-9724.

  1. zhao w, liu m, ji h, zhu y, wang c, huang y, ma x, xing g, xia y, jiang q, qin j*. the polycomb group protein yaf2 regulates the pluripotency of embryonic stem cells in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. j biol chem. 2018 aug 17;293(33):12793-12804.

  1. huang h, xu c, wang y, meng c, liu w, zhao y, huang xr, you w, feng b, zheng zh, huang y, lan hy, qin j*, xia y*. lethal (3) malignant brain tumor-like 2 (l3mbtl2) protein protects against kidney injury by inhibiting the dna damage-p53-apoptosis pathway in renal tubular cells. kidney int. 2018 apr;93(4):855-870.

  1. huang y, zhao w, wang c, zhu y, liu m, tong h, xia y, jiang q, qin j*. combinatorial control of recruitment of a variant prc1.6 complex in embryonic stem cells. cell reports. 2018 mar 13;22(11):3032-3043.

  1. zhao w, huang y, zhang j, liu m, ji h, wang c, cao n, li c, xia y, jiang q, qin j*. polycomb group ring finger proteins 3/5 activate transcription via an interaction with the pluripotency factor tex10 in embryonic stem cells. j biol chem. 2017 dec 29;292(52):21527-21537.

  1. yan y, zhao w, huang y, tong h, xia y, jiang q, qin j*. loss of polycomb group protein pcgf1 severely compromises proper differentiation of embryonic stem cells. sci rep. 2017 apr 10;7:46276.

  1. zhao w, tong h, huang y, yan y, teng h, xia y, jiang q, qin j*. essential role for polycomb group protein pcgf6 in embryonic stem cell maintenance and a noncanonical polycomb repressive complex 1 (prc1) integrity. j biol chem. 2017 feb 17;292(7):2773-2784.


  1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,31970810prc1.6复合物维持胚胎干细胞自我


  1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,31671532max/mga异源二聚体在胚胎干细胞生


  1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,31471387l3mbtl2在胚胎干细胞自我更新和多


