
电话:邮箱:xiaopinggu@nju.edu.cn 地址:江苏省南京市中山路321号研究方向:


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1. 围术期神经认知紊乱:基础研究的主要方向在紊乱的昼夜节律在围术期神经认知紊乱中的作用;临床研究主要集中于围术期神经认知紊乱的危险因素,特别是老年人群以及接受脊柱侧凸手术的青少年患者。

2. 疼痛:工作后长期进行疼痛信号的转导与调节相关研究,特别是结束美国麻省总院博士后研究后,主要的研究方向为急慢性疼痛转化的相关研究以及痛觉过敏的机制研究。

3. 围术期器官保护:降低围术期并发症和保护器官功能是麻醉医生永恒的任务,我们将基础研究成果成功转化并应用于临床。



















1. cheng, x., jian, d., xing, j., liu, c., liu, y., li, z., wang, s., li, r., ma, x., wang, y., gu, x., ge, z., tang, h, lin, l. 2022. circulating microrna-foxo3 axis safeguards against dilated cardiomyopathy. circulation, 062285.

2. peng, l., liu, s., xu, j., xie, w., fang, x., xia, t., and gu, x. 2022. metformin alleviates prolonged isoflurane inhalation induced cognitive decline via reducing neuroinflammation in adult mice. int immunopharmacol, 109, 108903.

3. dong, r., han, y., jiang, l., liu, s., zhang, f., peng, l., wang, z., ma, z., xia, t., and gu, x. 2022. connexin 43 gap junction-mediated astrocytic network reconstruction attenuates isoflurane-induced cognitive dysfunction in mice. j neuroinflammation, 19(1):64.

4. han, x., liu, y. j., liu, b. w., ma, z. l., xia, t. j., and gu, x. p. 2022. trem2 and cd163 ameliorate microglia-mediated inflammatory environment in the aging brain. j mol neurosci, 72(5):1075-1084.

5. liu, t., song, j., zhou, q., chu, s., liu, y., zhao, x., ma, z., xia, t., and gu, x. 2022. the role of 5-ht7r in the memory impairment of mice induced by long-term isoflurane anesthesia. neurobiol learn mem, 188:107584.

6. dong, r., chen, j., wang, h., liu, z., sun, x., guo, y., wang, m., sun, l., and gu, x. 2022. the application of the acoustic shadowing facilitates guidance in radial artery puncture and cannulation teaching in standardized training for residents: a randomized controlled trial. bmc med educ, 22(1):263.

7. peng, l., fang, x., xu, f., liu, s., qian, y., gong, x., zhao, x., ma, z., xia, t., and gu, x. 2021. amelioration of hippocampal insulin resistance reduces tau hyperphosphorylation and cognitive decline induced by isoflurane in mice. front aging neurosci, 13:686506.

8. liu, y. j., liu, t. t., jiang, l. h., liu, q., ma, z. l., xia, t. j., and gu, x. p. 2021. identification of hub genes associated with cognition in the hippocampus of alzheimer's disease. bioengineered, 12(2):9598-9609.

9. liu, b., chu, s., liu, t., song, j., ma, z., gu, x., and xia, t. 2021. effects of 5-ht7 receptors on circadian rhythm of mice anesthetized with isoflurane. chronobiol int, 38(1):38-45.

10. cheng, x., gu, x., xia, t., ma, z., yang, z., feng, h. l., zhao, y., ma, w., ju, z., gorospe, m., yi, x., tang, h., and wang, w. 2021. hub and hud repress telomerase activity by dissociating hur from terc. nucleic acids res, 49(5):2848-2858.

11. zhou, w., eckler, s., barszczyk, a., waese-perlman, a., wang, y., gu, x., feng, z. p., peng, y., and lee, k. 2021. waist circumference prediction for epidemiological research using gradient boosted trees. bmc med res methodol, 21(1):47.

12. zhou, w., wang, y., gu, x., feng, z. p., lee, k., peng, y., and barszczyk, a. 2021. importance of general adiposity, visceral adiposity and vital signs in predicting blood biomarkers using machine learning. int j clin pract, 75(1):e13664.

13. du, y., gong, x. d., fang, x., xing, f., xia, t. j., and gu, x. p. 2020. sevoflurane plays a reduced role in cognitive impairment compared with isoflurane: limited effect on fear memory retention. neural regen res, 15(1):96-102.

14. xing, f., fang, x., gong, x. d., zhao, x., du, y., ma, z. l., gu, x. p., and xia, t. j. 2020. photoacoustic treatment mitigates cognitive dysfunction in a model of sleep-wake rhythm disturbance. neural regen res, 15(6):1094-1101.

15. liu, h., gong, x. d., zhao, x., qian, y., gu, x. p., and xia, t. j. 2020. glyx-13 pretreatment ameliorates long-term isoflurane exposure-induced cognitive impairment in mice. neural regen res, 15(1):128-135.

16. gong, x., xu, l., fang, x., zhao, x., du, y., wu, h., qian, y., ma, z., xia, t., and gu, x. 2020. protective effects of grape seed procyanidin on isoflurane-induced cognitive impairment in mice. pharm biol, 58(1):200-207.

17. fang, x., xia, t., xu, f., wu, h., ma, z., zhao, x., and gu, x. 2020. isoflurane aggravates peripheral and central insulin resistance in high-fat diet/streptozocin-induced type 2 diabetic mice. brain res, 1727:146511.

18. song, j., chu, s., fang, x., xu, f., zhang, p., zhao, x., ma, z., xia, t., and gu, x. 2020. time-restricted feeding alters isoflurane-induced memory deficits. transl neurosci, 11(1):341-355.

19. sun, r., liu, y., hou, b., lei, y., bo, j., zhang, w., sun, y., zhang, y., zhang, z., liu, z., huo, w., mao, y., ma, z., and gu, x. 2019. perioperative activation of spinal α7 nachr promotes recovery from preoperative stress-induced prolongation of postsurgical pain. brain behav immun, 79:294-308.

20. huo, w., liu, y., lei, y., zhang, y., huang, y., mao, y., wang, c., sun, y., zhang, w., ma, z., and gu, x. 2019. imbalanced spinal infiltration of th17/treg cells contributes to bone cancer pain via promoting microglial activation. brain behav immun, 79:139-151.

21. song, y., li, x., gong, x., zhao, x., ma, z., xia, t., and gu, x. 2019. green tea polyphenols improve isoflurane-induced cognitive impairment via modulating oxidative stress. j nutr biochem, 73:108213.

22. liu, h. y., xia, t. j., zhu, z. z., zhao, x., qian, y., ma, z. l., and gu, x. p. 2019. effect of neuromuscular blockade on transcranial electric motor evoked potentials during surgical correction for idiopathic scoliosis under total intravenous anesthesia. j clin monit comput, 33(3):471-479.

23. qian, y., xia, t., cui, y., chu, s., ma, z. gu, x. 2019. the role of camkii in neuropathic pain and fear memory in chronic constriction injury in rats. int j neurosci, 129(2):146-154.

1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:scop介导的睡眠-觉醒节律偏移在老年pocd中的作用及机制研究(297万),2018-2022

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:dp71/snta调控aqp4去极化介导类淋巴系统功能损伤在术后认知功能障碍中的作用及机制研究(55万),2022-2025

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“睡眠-觉醒节律偏移在nr2b介导的老年pocd中的作用(70万),2013-2016

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于pdz结构域的nr2b表达调控在坐骨神经痛慢性化中的作用(58万),2012-2015

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:grs-pi3k-akt信号通路在坐骨神经痛脊髓水平调制机制的实验研究(35 35万),2009-2011

6. 国家重点研发计划子课题:老年患者围手术期中枢神经系统常见并发症预警及综合防治技术研究(61.35万),2018-2023

7. 江苏省第五期“333高层次人才培养工程第二层次:星形胶质细胞-神经元乳酸穿梭失衡介导的脑能量代谢紊乱在swiporsin-1/ef hd2相关老年pocd中的作用(25万),2019-2021

8. 江苏省医学重点人才:rbap48介导的组蛋白乙酰化在老年pocd中作用的基础和临床研究(100万),2016-2020

9. 江苏省兴卫工程医学重点人才资助:nr2b表达调控在术后认知功能障碍发生中作用的基础和临床研究(50 50万),2012-2016

10. 江苏省自然科学基金:脊髓水平nr2b-psd9-nnos信号通路在骨癌痛发生中的作用(8万),2011-2013

11. 江苏省六大人才高峰:脊髓水平gsk-3β/nr2b/pp1/gsk-3β信号环路在瑞芬太尼诱发痛觉过敏中作用的基础及临床研究(5万),2011-2013 

12. 江苏省卫生厅课题:nr2b-gsk-3β信号通路在瑞芬太尼诱发痛觉过敏中的基础及临床研究(4万),2010-2012

13. 南京市卫生局重点课题:cdk5-nr2b磷酸化通路在瑞芬太尼诱发的痛觉过敏中的作用(20万),2009-2011

14. 南京市卫生局课题:脊髓水平cox-2在骨癌痛模型中的作用及干预的研究(4万),2012-2014

15. 横向课题:dp71/snta调控aqp4去极化介导类淋巴系统功能损伤在术后认知功能障碍中的作用及机制研究(100万),2021-2024

16. 横向课题:右旋美托咪定对“睡眠-觉醒节律紊乱介导的术后认知功能障碍的作用研究(60万),2018-2021

1. 2021年江苏省医学引进新技术奖:优化的麻醉管理策略在肺动脉高压产妇剖宫产术中的应用(一等)

2. 2018年江苏省教育教学与科研成果奖(研究类):围术期优化镇痛政策的基础及临床研究(三等)

3. 2017年江苏省医学新技术引进奖:优化的综合血液保护技术在复杂脊柱矫形手术中的应用(一等)

4. 2015年江苏省科学技术奖:脊髓水平nr2b运转与调控在急慢性疼痛中的作用及干预;基础和临床研究(二等)

5. 2014年江苏省医学新技术引进奖:右美托咪定在脊柱侧弯矫形手术麻醉中的应用(二等)

6. 2012年江苏省医学新技术引进奖:右旋美托咪定为主的舒适化医疗技术在临床麻醉中的应用(一等)

7. 2010年南京市科学技术进步奖:脊髓水平痛信号调控在急慢性疼痛中的作用及干预的基础和临床研究(二等)

8. 2010年江苏医学科技奖:脊髓水平痛信号调控在急慢性疼痛中的作用及干预的基础和临床研究(二等)

9. 2010年江苏省医学新技术引进奖:nmda受体拮抗剂防治雷米芬太尼痛觉过敏将技术在麻醉中的应用(一等)

10. 2006年江苏省医学新技术引进奖:小儿双腔支气管麻醉用于胸腔镜下脊柱侧弯矫治术(二等)
