
电话:025-58641546邮箱:ganzj@nju.edu.cn 地址:研究方向:


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南京大学教授、博士生导师,国家海外高层次人才项目入选者,国家基金委“优青”,江苏省双创”人才。曾获得美国心脏学会louis and arnold katz basic science award中国生物物理学会代谢生物学分会“青年科学家奖”2003年至2008年在中科院上海生命科学研究院获得博士学位,随后在美国sanford-burnham医学研究所从事科研工作,2013年年底留学归国入职南大独立开展研究工作长期聚焦于骨骼肌稳态调控与代谢健康的关键科学问题,取得系统性重要成果。以通讯作者在nat cell biol.j clin invest.j exp med.nat commun.sci adv.pnas.embo mol med.cell rep.等主流学术期刊发表研究论文近20篇,并受邀在cell res.撰写相关综述。研究成果为加深理解骨骼肌稳态调节在代谢健康中的生理学作用和机制提供了新的理论线索,得到国内外同行的广泛关注和认可。






j clin invest.nat commun.cell rep.cell death differ.j cachexia sarcopenia muscle.autophagyaging cellembo repfaseb j. 等学术期刊审稿


  1. nat cell biol. 2023; doi: 10.1038/s41556-023-01155-3.

  2. gan z* and shao m. mitoprotease lonp1 controls white-to-beige adipocyte conversion via metabolic enzyme turnover. nat cell biol. 2023; doi: 10.1038/s41556-023-01161-5.

  3. guo q#, xu z#, zhou d, fu t, wang w, sun w, xiao l, liu l, ding c, yin y, zhou z, sun z, zhu y, zhou w, jia y, xue j, chen y, chen xw, piao hl, lu b, gan z*. mitochondrial proteostasis stress in muscle drives a long-range protective response to alleviate dietary obesity independently of atf4. science advances. 2022; 8(30): eabo0340.

  4. yin y, xu d, mao y, gan z*. comments on 'fnip1 regulates adipocyte browning and systemic glucose homeostasis in mice by shaping intracellular calcium dynamics'. j mol cell biol. 2022; mjac033.

  5. yin y#, xu d#, mao y#, xiao l, sun z, liu j, zhou d, xu z, liu l, fu t, ding c, guo q, sun w, zhou z, yang l, jia y, chen x, gan z. j exp med. 2022; 219(5): e20212491.

  6. xu z#, fu t#, guo q#, zhou d, sun w, zhou z, chen x, zhang z, liu l, xiao l, yin y, jia y, pang e, chen y, pan x, fang l, zhu m, fei w, lu b, gan z*. . nat commun. 2022; 13(1):894.

  7. he s, fu t, yu y, liang q, li l, liu j, zhang x, zhou q, guo q, xu d, chen y, wang x, chen y, liu j, gan z*and liu y*. ire1α regulates skeletal muscle regeneration through myostatin mrna decay.2021;131(17): e143737.

  8. #, liu j#, sun z#, yin y, mao y, xu d, liu l, xu z, guo q, ding c, sun w, yang l, zhou z, zhou d, fu t, zhou w, zhu y, chen xw, li j, chen s, xie x, gan z*. ampk-dependent and -independent coordination of mitochondrial function and muscle fiber type by fnip1.2021; 17(3): e1009488.

  9. #, ding c#, fu t, feng z, lee je, xiao l, xu z, yin y, guo q, sun z, sun w, mao y, yang l, zhou z, zhou d, xu l, zhu z, qiu y, ge k, gan z*. histone methyltransferase mll4 controls myofiber identity and muscle performance through mef2 interaction. j clin invest. 2020, 130(9):4710-4725.

  10. liu l#, cai j#, wang h#, liang x#, zhou q#, ding c, zhu y, fu t, guo q, xu z, xiao l, liu j, yin y, fang l, xue b, wang y, meng zx, he a, li jl, liu y, chen xw*, gan z*.coupling of copii vesicle trafficking to nutrient availability by the ire1a-xbp1s axis. proc natl acad sci usa. 2019; 116(24): 11776-11785.

  11. xu z, fu t, guo q, sun w, gan z*. mitochondrial quality orchestrates muscle-adipose dialog to alleviate dietary obesity.pharmacol res. 2018; 141:176-180.

  12. gan z*, fu t, kelly dp*, vega rb*. skeletal muscle mitochondrial remodeling in exercise and diseases. cell research. 2018; 28(10): 969-980.

  13. *. coupling of mitochondrial function and skeletal muscle fiber type by a mir-499/fnip1/ampk circuit. embo mol med.2016; 8(10):1212-1228. cover story.

  14. *. exercise inducible lactate dehydrogenase b regulates mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle. 2016; 291(49):25306-25318.

  15. liu j, liang x, gan z*. transcriptional regulatory circuits controlling muscle fiber type switching. sci china life sci.2015; 58(4):321-7.

  16. gan z, rumsey j, hazen bc, lai l, leone tc, vega rb, xie h, conley ke, auwerx j, smith sr, olson en, kralli a, kelly dp. nuclear receptor/microrna circuitry links muscle fiber type to energy metabolism. j clin invest. 2013; 123(6):2564-75.

  17. gan z, burkart-hartman em, han dh, finck b, leone tc, smith ey, ayala je, holloszy j, kelly dp. the nuclear receptor pparb/d programs muscle glucose metabolism in cooperation with ampk and mef2. genes dev. 2011; 25(24):2619-30.

  18. gan z, zhao l, yang l, huang p, zhao f, li w, liu y. rna editing by adar2 is metabolically regulated in pancreatic islets and beta-cells. j biol chem.2006; 281(44):33386-94.

  1. 江苏省基础研究计划(自然科学基金),bk201406002014-2016、主持人,已结题;

  2. 国家 “海外高层次青年人才2015-2017、主持人,已结题;

  3. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划),2015cb8563002015-2019、学术骨干,已结题;

  4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,314711102015-2018、主持人,已结题;

  5. 国家自然科学青年科学基金,814008212015-2017、主持人、已结题;

  6. 江苏省双创计划-人才项目,2017-2019、主持人,已结题;

  7. 江苏省自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目,bk201700142017-2019、主持人,已结题;

  8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,317712912018-2021、主持人,已结题;

  9. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划,918571052019-2021、主持人,已结题;

  10. 国家重点研发计划,2018yfa08007042019-2024、课题组长,在研;

  11. 国家自然科学优秀青年科学基金,319220332020-2022、主持人,已结题;

  12. 江苏省六大高峰人才高层次人才项目,2019-2022、主持人,已结题.


美国心脏学会katz基础研究青年学者奖(louis n. and arnold m. katz basic science research prize for young investigator)





