
电话:邮箱:lidm@nju.edu.cn 地址:研究方向:

1)泌尿生殖系肿瘤发生及病理机制研究; 2)环境污染与生命健康

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20078至今 南京大学医学院讲师、副教授、教授,博士生导师

201311月—201411月,美国国立卫生院肿瘤研究中心 访学学者

20076月 获南京大学理学博士学位

19976月 获南京医科大学临床医学学士学位





江苏省解剖学会 理事

江苏省解剖学会第十二届理事会组织胚胎学专业委员会 委员

江苏省高等学校医药教育研究会 理事

江苏省高等学校医药教育研究会-医学人文素质教育专业委员会 理事

江苏省免疫学会转化医学专业委员会 委员

《中华男科学》杂志 编委

南京口腔医学会 副理事长



34. li l, xia y, chen j, han x, hao l, li d, liu y. dbp exposure induces thyroid inflammatory impairment through activating akt/nf-κb/nlrp3 signaling. ecotoxicol environ saf. 2023 aug 23;264:115385. 

33. xia y, hao l, li y, li y, chen j, li l, han x, liu y, wang x, li d. embryonic 6:2 ftoh exposure causes reproductive toxicity by disrupting the formation of the blood-testis barrier in offspring mice. ecotoxicol environ saf. 2023 jan 15;250:114497.

32.  ma t, xia y, wang b, yang f, ding j, wu j, han x, wang j, li d. environmentally relevant perinatal     exposure to dbp accelerated spermatogenesis by promoting the glycolipid metabolism of sertoli cells in male offspring mice.

31. ma w, li x, yang l, pan j, chen y, lu y, dong x, li d, gan w. high vsx1 expression promotes the     aggressiveness of clear cell renal cell carcinoma by transcriptionally regulating fkbp10. j transl med.  2022 dec 3;20(1):554. 

30. yang l, yin h, chen y, pan c, hang h, lu y, ma w, li x, gan w, guo h, li d. low expression of pebp1p2 promotes metastasis of clear cell renal cell carcinoma by post-transcriptional regulation of pebp1 and klf13 mrna. exp hematol oncol. 2022 nov 8;11(1):87.

29.yang l, chen y, liu n, lu y, li x, ma w, gan w, li d. 5mc and h3k9me3 of traf3ip2 promoter region accelerates the progression of translocation renal cell carcinoma. biomark res. 2022 jul 27;10(1):54.

28.liu n, chen y, yang l, shi q, lu y, ma w, han x, guo h, li d, gan w. both sumoylation and ubiquitination of tfe3 fusion protein regulated by androgen receptor are the potential target in the therapy of xp11.2 translocation renal cell carcinoma. clin transl med. 2022 apr;12(4):e797.

27.chen y, yang l, lu y, liu n, ma w, fan h, hu q, han x, gan w, li d. up-regulation of nmrk2 mediated by tfe3 fusions is the key for energy metabolism adaption of xp11.2 translocation renal cell carcinoma. cancer lett. 2022 jul 10;538:215689.

26.xia y, chen j, ma t, meng x, han x, li d. maternal dbp exposure promotes synaptic formation in offspring by activating astrocytes via the akt/nf-κb/il-6/jak2/stat3 signaling pathway. sci total environ. 2022 mar 8:154437.

25.yang l, chen y, liu n, lu y, ma w, yang z, gan w, li d. circmet promotes tumor proliferation by enhancing cdkn2a mrna decay and upregulating smad3. mol cancer. 2022 jan 18;21(1):23.

24.shi q, liu n, yang l, chen y, lu y, guo h, han x, li d, gan w. estradiol increases risk of topoisomerase iiβ-mediated dna strand breaks to initiate xp11.2 translocation renal cell carcinoma. cell commun signal. 2021 nov 16;19(1):114.

23.wang b, yin x, gan w, pan f, li s, xiang z, han x, li d. prcc-tfe3 fusion-mediated prkn/parkin-dependent mitophagy promotes cell survival and proliferation in prcc-tfe3 translocation renal cell carcinoma. autophagy. 2021 sep;17(9):2475-2493.

22.chen y, yang l, liu n, shi q, yin x, han x, gan w, li d. nono-tfe3 fusion promotes aerobic glycolysis and angiogenesis by targeting hif1a in nono-tfe3 translocation renal cell carcinoma. curr cancer drug targets. 2021;21(8):713-723.

21.ma t, zhou y, xia y, jin h, wang b, wu j, ding j, wang j, yang f, han x, li d. environmentally relevant perinatal exposure to dbp disturbs testicular development and puberty onset in male mice. toxicology. 2021 jul 16;459:152860.

20.yang l, chen y, liu n, shi q, han x, gan w, li d. low expression of traf3ip2-as1 promotes progression of nono-tfe3 translocation renal cell carcinoma by stimulating n6-methyladenosine of parp1 mrna and downregulating pten. j hematol oncol. 2021 mar 19;14(1):46.

19.wang b, gan w, han x, liu n, ma t, li d. the positive regulation loop between nrf1 and nono-tfe3 fusion promotes phase separation and aggregation of nono-tfe3 in nono-tfe3 trcc. int j biol macromol. 2021 feb 13; 176:437-447.

18.shi q, liu n, zhu y, qu f, xu l, li x, zhang g, guo h, li d, gan w. a new risk-scoring system to predict xp11.2 translocation renal cell carcinoma in adults. j int med res. 2021 mar;49(3):300060521997661.

17.chen y, wang j, xu d, xiang z, ding j, yang x, li d, han x. m6a mrna methylation regulates testosterone synthesis through modulating autophagy in leydig cells. autophagy. 2021 feb;17(2):457-475.

16.zhang l, meng x, li d, han x. pir-001773 and pir-017184 promote prostate cancer progression by interacting with pcdh9. cell signal. 2020 dec;76:109780.

15.zhu y, liu n, guo w, pu x, guo h, gan w, li d. alk rearrangement in tfe3-positive renal cell carcinoma: alternative diagnostic option to exclude xp11.2 translocation carcinoma. pathol res pract. 2020 dec;216(12):153286.

14.liu n, guo w, shi q, zhuang w, pu x, chen s, qu f, xu l, zhao x, li x, zhang g, guo h, gan w, li d. the suitability of nono-tfe3 dual-fusion fish assay as a diagnostic tool for nono-tfe3 renal cell carcinoma. sci rep. 2020 oct 1;10(1):16361.

13.ma t, zhou y, xia y, meng x, jin h, wang b, chen y, qiu j, wu j, ding j, han x, li d. maternal exposure to di-n-butyl phthalate promotes the formation of testicular tight junctions through downregulation of nf-κb/cox-2/pge2/mmp-2 in mouse offspring. environ sci technol. 2020 jul 7;54(13):8245-8258.

12.ma t, hou j, zhou y, chen y, qiu j, wu j, ding j, han x, li d. dibutyl phthalate promotes juvenile sertoli cell proliferation by decreasing the levels of the e3 ubiquitin ligase pellino 2. environ health. 2020 aug 1;19(1):87.

11.meng x, zhang l, hou j, ma t, pan c, zhou y, han r, ding y, peng h, xiang z, li d, han x. the mechanisms in the altered ontogenetic development and lung-related pathology in microcystin-leucine arginine (mc-lr)-paternal-exposed offspring mice. sci total environ. 2020 sep 20; 736:139678.

10.xia y, ma t, ji j, zhang l, wang y, wu j, ding j, han x, li d. in utero exposure to dbp stimulates release of gnrh by increasing the secretion of pge2 in the astrocytes of the hypothalamus in the offspring mice. ecotoxicol environ saf. 2020 jul 15;198:110698.

9.wang b, gan w, han x, li d. prcc-tfe3 regulates migration and invasion of translocation renal cell carcinomas via activation of drp1-dependent mitochondrial fission. cell biol int. 2020 aug;44(8):1727-1733.

8.zhang l, meng x, pan c, qu f, gan w, xiang z, han x, li d. pir-31470 epigenetically suppresses the expression of glutathione s-transferase pi 1 in prostate cancer via dna methylation. cell signal. 2020 mar;67:109501.

7.zhou y, ma t, yan m, meng x, wu j, ding j, han x, li d. exposure of dbp in gestation induces inflammation of testicular sertoli cells in progeny by activating nlrp3 inflammasomes. sci total environ. 2020 mar 10;707:136139.

6.han r, zhang l, gan w, fu k, jiang k, ding j, wu j, han x, li d. pirna-dq722010 contributes to prostate hyperplasia of the male offspring mice after the maternal exposed to microcystin-leucine arginine. prostate. 2019 may;79(7):798-812.

5.yin x, wang b, gan w, zhuang w, xiang z, han x, li d. tfe3 fusions escape from controlling of mtor signaling pathway and accumulate in the nucleus promoting genes expression in xp11.2 translocation renal cell carcinomas. j exp clin cancer res. 2019 mar 8;38(1):119.

4.liu n, gan w, qu f, wang z, zhuang w, agizamhan s, xu l, yin j, guo h, li d. does the fuhrman or world health organization/international society of urological pathology grading system apply to the xp11.2 translocation renal cell carcinoma?: a 10-year single-center study. am j pathol. 2018 apr;188(4):929-936.

3.zhang l, meng x, xiang z, li d, han x. from the cover: roles of mmu_pir_003399 in microcystin-leucine arginine-induced reproductive toxicity in the spermatogonial cells and testis. toxicol sci. 2018 jan 1;161(1):159-170.

2.yin x, ma t, han r, ding j, zhang h, han x, li d. mir-301b-3p/3584-5p enhances low-dose mono-n-butyl phthalate (mbp)-induced proliferation by targeting rasd1 in sertoli cells. toxicol in vitro. 2018 mar;47:79-88.

1.chen y, wang j, pan c, li d, han x. microcystin-leucine-arginine causes blood-testis barrier disruption and degradation of occludin mediated by matrix metalloproteinase-8. cell mol life sci. 2018 mar;75(6):1117-1132.




4)江苏省自然科学基金(bk20221444):sarna/sirna双框载体调控lncrnapebp1p2 表达抑制肾透明细胞癌转移的治疗探索







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