![]() 吴超博士
电话:13809022921邮箱:dr.wu@nju.edu.cn 地址:南京市中山路321号南京鼓楼医院研究方向:
1.病毒性肝炎及肝纤维化的免疫调节机制;2.新发传染病的免疫发病机制。 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院感染科主任医师,教授,博士生导师,江苏省医学会感染病学分会主任委员,中华医学会肝病学分会委员,中华医学会感染病学分会委员。江苏省“十二五”、“十三五”、“科教兴卫生”工程领军人才及创新团队负责人。从事感染病专业临床教学科研工作30余年,擅长感染性疾病的诊治,尤其是病毒性肝炎的诊治。主要研究方向为病毒性肝炎基础和临床研究,以及新发传染病的临床特征及免疫发病机制。共发表论文130余篇,其中sci论文110余篇,单篇最高影响因子71.421,包括the lancet infectious diseases,journal of hepatology等权威杂志,其中2篇论著为esi高被引论著。获得多项课题资助,包括国家科技重大专项子课题1项,国际合作课题2项,国家自然科学基金3项,江苏省级课题5项,南京市级课题6项。相关的研究成果获得江苏省医学科技奖二等奖1项,南京市科技进步一等奖1项,国家发明专利3项,江苏省新技术引进奖3项,国家软件著作权1项。10余种中文期刊及sci期刊的编委及特约审稿人。 江苏省医学会感染病学分会 主任委员 中华医学会肝病学分会 委员 中华医学会感染病学分会 委员 (1)rui huang,juan xia,yuxin chen,chun shan,chao wu*. a family cluster of sars-cov-2 infection involving 11 patients in nanjing, china. lancet infectious diseases, 2020, 20(5):534-535. (2)chen y, shen h, huang r, tong x, wu c*. serum neutralising activity against sars-cov-2 variants elicited by coronavac. lancet infect dis 2021;21(8):1071-1072. (3)xia j#, huang r#, chen y#, liu y, wang j, yan x, zhang z, wu c*. profiles of serum soluble programmed death-1 and programmed death-ligand 1 levels in chronic hepatitis b virus-infected patients with different disease phases and after anti-viral treatment. aliment pharmacol ther. 2020 jun;51(11):1180-1187. (4)chen y#, zhu l#, huang w#, tong x, wu h, tao y, tong b, huang h, chen j, zhao x, lou y*, wu c*. potent rbd-specific neutralizing rabbit monoclonal antibodies recognize emerging sars-cov-2 variants elicited by dna prime-protein boost vaccination. emerg microbes infect 2021;10(1):1390-1403. (5)chen y#, tong x#, li y, gu b, yan j, liu y, shen h, huang r*, wu c*. a comprehensive, longitudinal analysis of humoral responses specific to four recombinant antigens of sars-cov-2 in severe and non-severe covid-19 patients. plos pathog. 2020 sep 10;16(9):e1008796. (6)huang r#, zhu l#, xue l#, liu l#, yan x#, wang j#, zhang b, xu t, ji f, zhao y, cheng j, wang y, shao h, hong s, cao q, li c, zhao xa, zou l, sang d, zhao h, guan x, chen x, shan c, xia j, chen y, yan x, wei j, zhu c*, wu c*. clinical findings of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 in jiangsu province, china: a retrospective, multi-center study. plos negl trop dis. 2020 may 8;14(5):e0008280. (7)zhao xa#, wang j#, liu j#, chen g, yan x, jia b, yang y, liu y, gu d, zhang z, xiang x, huang r*, wu c*. baseline serum hepatitis b core antibody level predicts hbeag seroconversion in patients with hbeag-positive chronic hepatitis b after antiviral treatment. antiviral res. 2021 jul 24;193:105146. (8)huang r#, zhu l#, wang j#, xue l#, liu l#, yan x#, huang s, li y, yan x, zhang b, xu t, li c, ji f, ming f, zhao y, cheng j, wang y, zhao h, hong s, chen k, zhao xa, zou l, sang d, shao h, guan x, chen x, chen y, wei j, zhu c*, wu c*. clinical features of covid-19 patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. hepatol commun. 2020 aug 6;4(12):1758–68. (9)liu j#, wang j#, yan x, xue r, zhan j, jiang s, geng y, liu y, mao m, xia j, yin s, tong x, chen y, ding w, huang r*, wu c*. presence of liver inflammation in asian patients with chronic hepatitis b with normal alt and detectable hbv dna in absence of liver fibrosis. hepatol commun. 2022 apr;6(4):855-866. (10)wang j#, zhu l#, liu l#, zhao xa, zhang z, xue l, yan x, huang s, li y, cheng j, zhang b, xu t, li c, ji f, ming f, zhao y, shao h, sang d, zhao h, guan x, chen x, chen y, issa r, wei j, huang r*, zhu c*, wu c*. overweight and obesity are risk factors of severe illness in patients with covid-19. obesity (silver spring). 2020 nov;28(11):2049-2055. (11)yao k#, liu j#, wang j#, yan x, xia j, yang y, wu w, liu y, chen y, zhang z, li j, huang r*, wu c*. distribution and clinical characteristics of patients with chronic hepatitis b virus infection in the grey zone. j viral hepat. 2021 jul;28(7):1025-1033. (12)wang j#, zhu l#, xue l#, liu l#, yan x#, yan x, huang s, zhang b, xu t, li c, ji f, ming f, zhao y, cheng j, shao h, chen k, zhao xa, sang d, zhao h, guan x, chen x, chen y, liu j, huang r*, zhu c*, wu c*. risk factors of liver injury in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 in jiangsu, china: a retrospective, multi-center study. j med virol 2021;93(6):3305-3311. (13)huang r#, zhu l#, xue l#, yan x#, wang j#, huang s, zhang b, xu t, ji f, li c, ming f, zhao y, li y, cheng j, wang y, shao h, hong s, chen k, zhao xa, sang d, zou l, zhao h, guan x, chen x, xu b, xia j, chen y, yan x, wei j, liu j, liu l*, zhu c*, wu c*. clinical and virological course of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 in jiangsu province, china: a retrospective, multi-center cohort study. virol j 2021;18(1):147. (14)li y#, li c#, wang j#, zhu c, zhu l, ji f, liu l, xu t, zhang b, xue l, yan x, huang r*, wu c*, yan x*. a case series of covid-19 patients with chronic hepatitis b virus infection. j med virol. 2020 nov;92(11):2785-2791. (15)li y#, yin s#, chen y, zhang q, huang r, jia b, jie w, yao k, wang j, tong x, liu y, wu c*. hepatitis b virus-induced hyperactivation of b cells in chronic hepatitis b patients via tlr4. j cell mol med. 2020 jun;24(11):6096-6106. (16)huang r#, liu j#, wang j, yan x, wu c*. letter: serum hepatitis b virus dna and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic hepatitis b. aliment pharmacol ther. 2021 mar;53(6):761-762. (17)huang r#, liu j#, wang j, wu c*. letter: rates and determinants of significant liver inflammation in chronic hepatitis b virus-infected patients with low alt levels in the absence of significant fibrosis. aliment pharmacol ther. 2021 jan;53(1):213-214. (18)huang r#, liu j#, wang j, li j, wu c*. letter to the editor: is hepatitis b virus genotype strongly associated with hepatocellular carcinoma risk in patients with chronic hepatitis b? hepatology. 2022 jan;75(1):233-234. (19)huang r#, liu j#, wang j, wu c*. letter: tenofovir versus entecavir for hepatocellular carcinoma prevention in chronic hepatitis b-related compensated cirrhosis. aliment pharmacol ther. 2021 may;53(9):1040-1041. (20)zhu l#, wang j#, huang r#, liu l, zhao h, wu c*, zhu c*. clinical characteristics of a case series of children with coronavirus disease 2019. pediatr pulmonol. 2020 jun;55(6):1430-1432. (21)chen y#, tong x#, wang j, huang w, yin s, huang r, yang h, chen y, huang a, liu y, chen y, yuan l, yan x, shen h*, wu c*. high sars-cov-2 antibody prevalence among healthcare workers exposed to covid-19 patients. j infect. 2020;81(3):420-426. (22)huang r, wang j, zhang z, yan x, wu c*. letter to the editor: impact of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis on liver-related outcomes in chronic hepatitis b. hepatology. 2020 feb;71(2):767. (23)huang r, wang j, wu w, yan x, wu c*. letter to the editor: statins and reduced risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic hepatitis b. hepatology. 2020 jun;71(6):2173-2174. (24)huang r#, zhao h#, wang j#, yan x, shao h, wu c*. a family cluster of covid-19 involving an asymptomatic case with persistently positive sars-cov-2 in anal swabs. travel med infect dis. 2020 nov-dec;38:101745. (25)wang j#, xia j#, yan x, yang y, wei j, xiong y, wu w, liu y, chen y, jia b, chen z, zhang z, ding w, huang r*, wu c*. plateletcrit as a potential index for predicting liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis b. j viral hepat. 2020 jun;27(6):602-609. (26)chang h#, wei j#, zhou w, yan x, cao x, zuo l, chen s, yao k, huang r, chen y*, wu c*. risk factors and mortality for patients with bloodstream infections of klebsiella pneumoniae during 2014-2018: clinical impact of carbapenem resistance in a large tertiary hospital of china. j infect public health. 2020 may;13(5):784-790. (27)wang j, wu w, yan x, wei j, yao k, yang y, xiong y, xia j, liu y, chen y, jia b, zhang z, ding w, huang r, wu c*. hbeag negativity is associated with more advanced liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis b: a propensity score-matching analysis. j clin gastroenterol. 2020 oct;54(9):826-831. (28)tian c, chen y, liu y, wang s, li y, wang g, xia j, zhao xa, huang r, lu s*, wu c*. use of elispot assay to study hbs-specific b cell responses in vaccinated and hbv infected humans. emerg microbes infect 2018;7(1):16. (1)“艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治”国家科技重大专项,2018zx10302205,乙肝相关肝癌精准诊疗标志物的研发与转化,2018/01-2020/12,子课题负责人,135万,主持,已结题; (2)南京市重大科技专项,南京市重大传染病早期预警及精准防控关键技术研究,2021-11005,2022/01-2024/12,1000万,主持,在研; (3)香港特别行政区创新及科技基金,mrp/046/20x,development of mri applications for fully automated non-invasive diagnosis and staging of liver fibrosis inflammation,2021/07-2024/06,子课题负责人,95.4万,主持,在研; (4)gilead sciences,effort to narrow the gap between in accordance with guidelines and consent to treat chb population in east of china (gate study), principal investigator,2021/03-2023/12,102万,主持,在研; (5)hcv chime program by gilead sciences: conquering hepatitis via micro-elimination,in-cn-987-5343,hepatitis c surveillance with linkage to care of patients from non-infectious departments in tertiary hospitals from jiangsu, china, 2019/01-2020/12,principal investigator,33万美元,主持,已结题; (6)美国斯坦福大学医学中心合作项目,来自亚洲肝病联盟的丙型肝炎真实世界证据:real-c,2018/08-2021/07,12万,主持,已结题; (7)国家自然科学基金面上项目,81672025,b细胞分泌ccl7趋化gr1hi单核细胞肝脏浸润促进肝纤维化发生的机制研究,2017/01-2020/12,57万,主持,已结题; (8)江苏省科技计划,be2017605,慢性乙型肝炎综合免疫评估体系的建立及精准诊疗新策略,2017/07-2020/06,200万,主持,已结题; (9)江苏省医学创新团队项目,cxtda2017005,基于综合免疫评估体系的慢性乙型肝炎精准诊疗新策,2016/01-2020/12,450万,主持,已结题; (10)南京市医学科技发展重大项目,zdx16004,慢性乙型肝炎个体化治疗新策略,2016/06-2019/12,100万,主持,已结题; (11)国家自然科学基金面上项目,81470093,调节性b细胞在慢性hbv感染中的免疫负性调控作用及机制研究,2015/01-2016/12,30万,主持,已结题; (12)江苏省临床医学科技专项,bl2012034,以活化b细胞技术为基础的慢性乙型病毒性肝炎治疗新策略,2012/01-2015/12,50万,主持,已结题; (13)江苏省医学领军人才与创新团队资助项目,lj20115,以活化b细胞技术为基础的病毒性肝炎个体化综合抗病毒治疗新策略,2011/01-2016/12,80万,已结题; (14)国家自然科学基金面上项目,30872234,抗原负载的活化b细胞对hbv抗原特异性ct l的诱导作用,2009/01-2011/12,33万,主持,已结题。 (1)慢性乙型肝炎的免疫发病机制及临床相关研究,江苏省医学会,江苏省医学科技奖,二等奖,2019; (2)慢性乙型肝炎患者免疫调节机制研究及其在治疗中的应用,南京市人民政府,科技进步一等奖,2016; (3)外周血b细胞活化及抗hbv的临床应用,江苏省卫生厅,医学新技术引进奖,一等奖,2013; (4)流式检测外周血t细胞表面pd-1的表达对临床慢乙肝患者免疫状态的判断及抗病毒疗效的评估,江苏省卫生厅,医学新技术引进奖,二等奖,2012 |