
电话:邮箱:wangtt@nju.edu.cn 地址:汉口路22号研究方向:


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2000.9-2009.8   南京大学医学院本硕博连读  肿瘤学

2008.8-2009.6   美国university of pittsburgh 联合培养博士研究生


2009.9-2011.12  南京大学医学院讲师

2012.1-2017.12  南京大学医学院副教授、硕士生导师

2014.3-2016.3   美国md anderson cancer center 博士后

2018.1-至今        南京大学医学院教授、博士生导师




publicationsfirst or corresponding author 

1.       yang g, zhang h, xu y, zhao a, shu p, wang w, zhang h*, wang t*, yang y*. basic characteristics, status, and challenges of integrative oncology in china. integrative cancer therapies. 2021. 20:15347354211063504.

2.       lu x, qiao s, peng c , xu z, qu j, hou y, zhao s*, chen p*, wang t*. bornlisy attenuates colitis-associated colorectal cancer via inhibiting gpr43-mediated glycolysis. frontiers in nutrition. 2021 nov 12;8:706382.

3.       li d, lu l, kong w, xia x, pan y , li jing , wang jia, wang t*, liang j*, dou h*hou y*. c-type lectin receptor dectin3 defificiency balances the accumulation and function of foxo1-mediated lox-1 m-mdscs in relieving lupus-like symptoms. cell death and disease. 2021. 12:829.

4.       qu j, sun z, peng c, li d, yan w, xu z, hou y, shen s, chen p, wang t*. c. tropicalis promotes chemotherapy resistance in colon cancer through increasing lactate production to regulate the mismatch repair system. international journal of biological sciences. 2021. 17(11): 2756-2769.

5.       zhu y#, shi t#, lu x, xu z, qu j, zhang z, shi g, shen s, hou y, chen y, wang t*. fungal-induced glycolysis in macrophages promotes colon cancer by enhancing innate lymphoid cell secretion of il-22. embo j. 2021. e105320. 

6.       wang y, zhang d, hou y, shen s, wang t*.the adaptor protein card9, from fungal immunity to tumorigenesis.am j cancer res. 2020 aug 1;10(8):2203-2225. 

7.       zhang d, wang y, shen s, hou h, chen y, wang t*. the mycobiota of the human body: a spark can start a prairie fire. gut microbes. 2020. jul 3;11(4):655-679.

8.       li tliu lhou yshen swang t*.c-type lextin receptor-mediated immune recognition and response of the microbiota in the gut. gastroentoerology report. 2019, apr (8)1-10. 

9.       qu jliu lxu qren jxu zdou hshen shou y*, mou y*, wang t*. card9 prevents lung cancer development by suppressing the expansion of myeloid-derived suppressor cells and ido production. int j cancer. 2019 oct 15;145 (8):2225-2237. 

*, fan c, yao a, xu x, zheng g, you y, jiang c, zhao x, hou y, hung m, lin x*. the adaptor protein card9 protects against colon cancer by restricting mycobiota-mediated expansion of myeloid-derived suppressor cells. immunity 2018,49,1-11. 

11.   ren j, ding l, zhang d, shi gxu q, shen s, wang y,wang t*, hou y*. of colorectal cancer by transferring exosomal lncrna h19. theranostics. 2018 jun 24;8(14):3932-3948. 

12.   xu h#wang t (co-first author) #,krishnan s*, ding d*. supramolecular nanofibers of curcumin for highly amplified radiosensitization of colorectal cancers to ionizing radiation. advanced functional material. 2018. jan, 110-112.

13.   shi g, li d, ren j, li x, wang t*, dou h*, hou y*. mtor inhibitor ink128 attenuates dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis by promotion of mdscs on treg cell expansion.j cell physiol. 2018 aug 21. 

14.   shi tma yyu ljiang jshen shou ywang t*. cancer immunotherapy: a focus on the regulation of immune checkpoints. int j mol sci. 2018 may 7;19(5). 

15.   ren j, hou y, wang t*. roles of estrogens on myeloid-derived suppressor cells in cancer and autoimmune diseases. cellular & molecular immunology 2017,14:1-3. 

16.   xu y, wang y, yao a, xu z, dou h, shen s, hou y*, wang t*. low frequency magnetic fields induce autophagy-associated cell death in lung cancer through mir-486-mediated inhibition of akt/mtor signaling pathway. sci rep. 2017 sep 18;7(1):11776.

17.   xu z, ji j, xu j, li d, shi g, liu f, ding l, ren j, dou h, wang t*, hou y*. mir-30a increases mdsc differentiation and immunosuppressive function by targeting socs3 in mice with b-cell lymphoma. febs j. 2017 jun 12. 

18.   ren j, ding l, xu q, shi g, li x , li x, ji j, zhang d, wang y, wang t*, hou y*. lf-mf inhibits iron metabolism and suppresses lung cancer through activation of p53-mir-34a-e2f1/e2f3 pathway. scientific report. 2017 apr 7;7(1):749. 

19.   wang t, xu x, xu q, ren j, shen s*, fan c*, hou y*. mir-19a promotes colitis-associated colorectal cancer by regulating tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein 3 (tnfaip3)-nf-κb feedback loops. oncogene. 2016. dec.1-12. 

20.   wang tpan dzhou zyou yjiang czhao xlin x*. dectin-3 deficiency promotes colitis development due to impaired antifungal innate immune responses in the gut. plos pathog. 2016 jun 9;12(6):e1005662. 

21.   tang r, xu y, ma f, ren j, shen s, du y, hou y*, wang t*. extremely low frequency magnetic fields regulate differentiation of regulatory t cells: potential role for ros-mediated inhibition on akt. bioelectromagnetics. 2016 feb;37(2):89-98. 

22.   tang rshen szhao xnie yxu yren jlv mhou y*, wang t*. mesenchymal stem cells-regulated treg cells suppress colitis-associated colorectal cancer. stem cell res ther. 2015 apr 13;6:71. 

23.   ren j, nie y, lv m, shen s, tang r, xu y, hou y, zhao s*, wang t*. estrogen up-regulates mica/b expression in human non-small cell lung cancer through regulation of adam17. cellular & molecular immunology. 2015 nov;12(6):768-76. 

24.   lv mxu ytang rren jshen schen yliu bhou y*, wang t*.  mir141-cxcl1-cxcr2 signaling-induced treg recruitment regulates metastases and survival of non-small cell lung cancer. mol cancer ther. 2014 dec;13(12):3152-62.

25.   tang x, tang r, xu y, wang q, hou y, shen s*, wang t*. microrna networks in regulatory t cells. j physiol biochem. 2014 70(3) :869–875. 

26.   zhu y, li j, bai y, wang x, duan n, jiang h, wang t*, wang w*. hydroxychloroquine decreases the upregulated frequencies of tregs in patients with oral lichen planus. clin oral investig. 2014 nov;18(8):1903-11. 

27.   nie y, du l, mou y, xu z, weng l, du y, zhu y, hou y*, wang t*. effect of low frequency magnetic fields on melanoma: tumor inhibition and immune m odulation. bmc cancer. 2013 dec 6;13:582.

28.   nie y, chen y, mou y, weng l, xu z, du y, wang w, hou y*, wang t*. low frequency magnetic fields enhance antitumor immune response against mouse h22 hepatocellular carcinoma. plos one. 2013 nov 20;8(11):e72411. 

29.   lv m, mou y, wang p, chen y, wang t*, hou y*. diagnostic and predictive role of cell-free midkine in malignant pleural effusions. j cancer res clin oncol. 2013 apr;139(4):543-9. 

30.   wang t, lv m, shen s, zhou s, wang p, chen y, liu b, yu l, hou y*. cell-free microrna expression profiles in malignant effusion associated with patient survival in non-small cell lung cancer. plos one. 2012;7(8):e43268.

31.   zhao g, nie y, lv m, he l, wang t*, hou y*. erβ-mediated estradiol enhances epithelial mesenchymal transition of lung adenocarcinoma through increasing transcription of midkine. mol endocrinol. 2012 aug;26(8):1304-15. 

32.   wang t, lv m, qian q, nie y, yu l, hou y*. increased frequencies of t helper type 17 cells in tuberculous pleural effusion. tuberculosis. 2011 may;91(3):231-7. 

33.   wang t, nie y, zhao s, han y, du y, hou y*. involvement of midkine expression in the inhibitory effects of low-frequency magnetic fields on cancer cells. bioelectromagnetics. 2011 sep;32(6):443-52.

34.   wang t, wang l, qian x, yu l, ding y, liu b*. relationship between gene expression of 5-fluorouracil metabolic enzymes and 5-fluorouracil sensitivity in primary cancer cells isolated from malignant ascites. cancer invest. 2011 feb;29(2):130-6. 

35.   wang t, qian x, wang z, wang l, yu l, ding y, liu b*. detection of cell-free birc5 mrna in effusions and its potential diagnostic value for differentiating malignant and benign effusions. int j cancer. 2009 oct 15;125(8):1921-5. 

36.   liu b, wang t (co-first author), qian x, liu g, yu l, ding y*. anticancer effect of tetrandrine on primary cancer cells isolated from ascites and pleural fluids. cancer lett. 2008 sep 8;268(1):166-75 .

37.   wang t, wei j, qian x, ding y, yu l, liu b*. gambogic acid, a potent inhibitor of survivin, reverses docetaxel resistance in gastric cancer cells .cancer lett. 2008 apr 18;262(2):214-22.

38.   wang t, qian xp, liu br. survivin: potential role in diagnosis, prognosis and targeted therapy of gastric cancer. world j gastroenterol. 2007 may 28;13(20):2784-90.





5.江苏省六大人才高峰高层次人才项目,cbm 信号复合体调控肠道ilc3功能影响肠癌发生的机制;wsw-0312018.1-2020.124万元,在研,主持


7.国家重点研发计划,2017yfa0104300间充质和神经干细胞的体内动态示踪技术与临床转化研究,2938   2017.7-2021.12,在研,参与

8.国家自然科学基金青年项目, 81101552mir-30d调控k-ras影响肺腺癌微环境中treg细胞分化的机制研究,2012/01-2014/1222万元,结题,主持

9.教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金, 20100091120002, 恶性胸腔积液微环境中mir-24th17细胞的分化调控机制研究;2011/01-2013/12, 3.6万元,结题,主持

8. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,bk2011571mir-30d调控treg细胞参与肺腺癌免疫逃逸的机制研究,2012/01-2014/128万元,结题,主持

2021  教育部长江学者奖励计划青年学者

2021  江苏省杰出青年基金项目

2020  南京十大青年先锋

2020  全球高被引科学家

2018  江苏省六大人才高峰高层次人才

2017  仲英青年学者(唐仲英基金会)
