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学术地位:张冰教授,南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院党委副书记,医学影像中心主任;南京大学医学影像与人工智能研究所所长,南京大学脑科学研究院功能影像中心主任。南京大学医学博士,主任医师,教授,硕士/博士生/博士后导师。美国mayo clinic博士后。担任中国医师协会放射医师分会委员,中国阿尔茨海默病协会理事兼影像专委会副主委,中国医院协会医学影像中心分会常务委员兼秘书长,江苏省医学会放射学分会常委兼质智学组组长,江苏省医学会脑卒中分会副主任委员兼脑血管影像学组组长,江苏省医师协会放射医师分会副会长,江苏省研究型医院协会影像人工智能专业委员会主任委员,南京医学会放射分会副主任委员。中华医学会放射学分会“杰出青年医学影像学家”、江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”第二层次培养对象、江苏省医学重点人才(“十二五”和“十三五”)、江苏省医师协会“杰出青年医师”奖获得者、江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才、南京市有突出贡献中青年专家。


业务能力:作为临床首选的活体无创诊断方法,新一代影像人工智能已经成为突破 “早期诊治窗口期前移”“卡脖子”问题的重大变革性技术。申请人以此为目标开展系列研究,创立嗅觉和空间导航脑功能磁共振成像新技术,联合人工智能和能谱ct,在国际上率先发现认知障碍和血管病变的超早期影像标志物,提高了临床治疗决策水平和效率。基于这些成果,获科技部“脑科学与类脑”项目和基金委国家级课题5项、全国医疗人工智能创新奖、江苏医学科技一等奖、江苏333高层次人才和医学重点人才。申请人引领我国神经影像智能诊断技术研究领域,成果被国内外同行广泛关注,被纳入专家共识4项,国际磁共振学会、欧洲认知神经分会在radiology同期述评等正面评价申请人成果为 “全球领先、重大突破技术”、“引领影像人工智能人机耦合的研究思想”。目前,相关技术已与联影等企业合作转化,推广到协和、天坛等30多家知名医院,覆盖1亿多人口健康,成为首批解决国家重大需求的新产业、新场景项目。

成果水平:论文发表在radiology (if: 29.146,独立通讯)、diabetes care(if:17.152,2篇,共同第一)、advanced science(if:17.521,共同通讯)、ebiomedicine(独立通讯)、human brain mapping(独立通讯)、european radiology(独立通讯)、neuroimage(独立通讯)等放射学、神经影像学、糖尿病国际权威期刊。论文总引用3137次,2017年至今引用2686次,h指数29,i10指数75,单篇最高引用419次;入选中国影像医学高价值论文。

发表国内核心期刊论文57篇(中华期刊16篇)。制定行业标准2项,发表国内专家共识1篇,国际专家共识1篇。主编著作2部,获省市级科技奖励18项。2022年获得科技部“脑科学与类脑研究”特重大项目子课题负,主持国家自然科学基金5项(重点国际合作项目1项,重大课题培育1项),省自然科学基金,省医学重点人才项目,江苏省社会发展项目-临床前沿技术,江苏省科技厅社会发展重大科技示范,南京市工信局项目各一项,省333人才工程第二梯队,六大人才高峰,南京市突出贡献中青年及省市级课题20项,获得国家知识产权局专利8项,软件著作权 12 项。其中国家自然科学基金重点国际合作课题是国家“一带一路”示范工程。


















1) wang j#, wu s#, sun y, lu j, zhang j, fang y, qing z, liang x, zhang w, chen q, zhang x, zhang b*(独立通讯作者): brain microstructural alterations in the left precuneus mediate the association between kibra polymorphism and working memory in healthy adults: a diffusion kurtosis imaging study. brain imaging and behavior 2022. (if: 3.224jcr q2区,中科院大类/小类:2/3区,被引用次数:0

2) lv p#, ma g#, chen w#, liu r, xin x, lu j, su s, li m, yang s, ma y, rong p, dong n, chen q, zhang x, han x*, zhang b*(共同通讯作者): brain morphological alterations and their correlation to tumor differentiation and duration in patients with lung cancer after platinum chemotherapy. frontiers in oncology 2022, 12.if: 5.738jcr q2区,中科院大类/小类:3/3区,被引用次数:0

3) xin x#, ni x#, shi k, shao j, zhang y, peng x, yang w, tian c, zhou w*, zhang b*(共同通讯作者): iodine-rich nanoadjuvants for ct imaging–guided photodynamic immunotherapy of breast cancer. frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 2022, 10.if: 6.064, jcr q1区,被引用次数:0

4) mu d#, wang x#, wang h, sun x, dai q, lv p, liu r, qi y, xie j, xu b*, zhang b*(共同通讯作者): chemiexcited photodynamic therapy integrated in polymeric nanoparticles capable of mri against atherosclerosis. international journal of nanomedicine 2022, 17:2353-2366.if7.033jcr q2区,中科院大类/小类:2/2区,被引用次数:0

5) cheng h#, zhang z#, zhang b#共同第一作者), zhang w, wang j, ni w, miao y, liu j, bi y*: enhancement of impaired olfactory neural activation and cognitive capacity by liraglutide, but not dapagliflozin or acarbose, in patients with type 2 diabetes: a 16-week randomized parallel comparative study. diabetes care 2022, 45(5):1201-1210.if17.152jcr q1区,中科院大类/小类:1/1区,被引用次数:0

6) ding j, duan y, wang m, yuan y, zhuo z, gan l, song q, gao b, yang l, liu h, hou y, zheng f, chen r, wang j, lin l, zhang b*共同通讯作者), zhang g*, liu y: acceleration of brain susceptibility-weighted imaging with compressed sensitivity encoding: a prospective multicenter study. american journal of neuroradiology 2022, 43(3):402-409.if4.966jcr q2区,中科院大类/小类:2/2区,被引用次数:0

7) maoxue wang#, yiming ma#, fei chen, fei zhou, jilei zhang, bing zhang*独立通讯作者): acceleration of pcasl-based cerebral 4d mr angiography using compressed sense: a comparison with sense. frontiers in neurology 2022. 21(13):796271if4.086jcr q2区,中科院大类/小类:3/3区,被引用次数:0

8) maoxue wang#, yi wang#, wen zhang, xiance zhao, yongbo yang*, bing zhang*(共同通讯作者): preoperative collateral perfusion using arterial spin labeling: a predictor of surgical collaterals in moyamoya angiopathy. frontiers in neuroscience 2022. 14(16):839485. (if5.125,中科院大类/小类:3/3)

9) zhang w#, lu j#, qing z#, zhang x, zhao h, bi y#, zhang b*独立通讯作者), alzheimer's disease neuroimaging i: effects of subcortical atrophy and alzheimer's pathology on cognition in elderly type 2 diabetes: the alzheimer's disease neuroimaging initiative study. frontiers in aging neuroscience 2022, 14:781938.if5.702, jcr q1中科院大类/小类:2/2区,被引用次数:0

10) dan mu#, junjie bai#, wenping chen, hongming yu, jing liang, kejie yin, hui li, zhao qing, kelei he, hao-yu yang, jinyao zhang, youbing yin, hunter w. mclellan, u. joseph schoepf, bing zhang*独立通讯作者): calcium scoring in coronary ct angiography using deep learning. radiology 2022,302(2): 309-316. (if: 29.146, jcr q1区,中科院大类/小类:1/1区,被引用次数:1)

11) danyan li#, xiaowei han#, jie gao, qing zhang, haibo yang, shu liao, hongqian guo*,bing zhang*(共同通讯作者). deep learning in prostate cancer diagnosis using multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging with whole-mount histopathology referenced delineations. front med (lausanne) 2021, 8: 810995. (if5.0912022if5.058中科院大类/小类:3/2区,被引用次数:02022if5.058)

12) lu j#, chen q#, li d#, zhang w, xing s, wang j, zhang x, liu j, qing z, dai y, zhang b*独立通讯作者): reconfiguration of dynamic functional connectivity states in patients with lifelong premature ejaculation. frontiers in neuroscience 2021, 15:721236. (if4.6772022if5.152中科院大类/小类:3/3区,被引用次数:0)

13) sun l, guo j, chen h, zhang d, shang l*, zhang b*, zhao y*共同通讯作者): tailoring materials with specific wettability in biomedical engineering. advance science (weinh) 2021, 8(19):e2100126. if16.8062022if17.521jcr q1区,中科院大类/小类:1/1区,被引用次数:1

14) zhou wj, zhang yd, kong wt, zhang cx, zhang b*独立通讯作者): preoperative prediction of axillary lymph node metastasis in patients with breast cancer based on radiomics of gray-scale ultrasonography. gland surgery 2021, 10(6):1989-2001. if: 2.9532022if2.16, jcr q2区,中科院大类/小类:2/2区,被引用次数:1

15) li w#, zhao h, qing z, nedelska z, wu s, lu j, wu w, yin z, hort j, xu y, zhang b*独立通讯作者): disrupted network topology contributed to spatial navigation impairment in patients with mild cognitive impairment. frontiers in aging neuroscience2021, 13:630677.if5.752022if5.702, jcr q1中科院大类/小类:2/2区,被引用次数:0

16) mu d#, wang w, li j, lv p, liu r, tan y, zhong c, qi y, sun x, liu y, shen s, li y, xu b*, zhang b*(共同通讯作者): ultrasmall fe(iii)-tannic acid nanoparticles to prevent progression of atherosclerotic plaques. acs applied materials & interfaces 2021, 13(29):33915-33925. (if9.2292022if10.383,中科院大类/小类:1/2区,被引用次数:4)

17) chen c#, kong w#, liang j#, lu j, chen d, sun y, zhang x, qing z, feng x, sun l*, zhang b*(共同通讯作者): impaired olfactory neural circuit in patients with sle at early stages. lupus 2021, 30(7):1078-1085. (if2.9112022if2.858, jcr q3 中科院大类/小类:3/4区,被引用次数:0)

18) liu x#, du l#, zhang b#(共同第一作者), zhao z, gao w, liu b, liu j, chen y, wang y, yu h, ma g*: alterations and associations between magnetic susceptibility of the basal ganglia and diffusion properties in alzheimer's disease. frontiers in neuroscience2021, 15:616163. (if4.6772022if5.152中科院大类/小类:3/3区,被引用次数:1)

19) wu j, shao c, ye x, di x, li d, zhao h, zhang b*(共同通讯作者), chen g*, liu hk*, qian y*: in vivo brain imaging of amyloid-beta aggregates in alzheimer's disease with a near-infrared fluorescent probe. acs sensors 2021, 6(3):863-870. (if7.7112022if9.618, jcr q1中科院大类/小类:1/1区,被引用次数:4)

20) zhang w#, gao c#, qing z, zhang z, bi y, zeng w*, zhang b*(共同通讯作者): hippocampal subfields atrophy contribute more to cognitive impairment in middle-aged patients with type 2 diabetes rather than microvascular lesions. acta diabetologica 2021, 58(8):1023-1033. (if4.282022if4.087, jcr q2 中科院大类/小类:3/3区,被引用次数:0)

21) xiaoyan xin#, ran mo#, mingran shao, wen yang, daixin li, yanqiu zhang, han wang, baiyun liu, song tian, weidao chen, jiangfen wu, bin zhu, kefeng zhou, chao du*, and zhang b*(共同通讯作者)a human–computer collaboration for covid-19 differentiation: combining a radiomics model with deep learning and human auditing. annals of palliative medicine. 2021, 10(7):7329-7339. (if2.5952022if1.925, jcr q3 中科院大类/小类2/2,被引用次数:0)

22) qing z#, chen f, lu j, lv p, li w, liang x, wang m, wang z, zhang x, zhang b*(独立通讯作者): causal structural covariance network revealing atrophy progression in alzheimer's disease continuum. human brain mapping 2021, 42(12):3950-3962. (if5.0382022if5.399, jcr q1区,中科院大类/小类:2/2区,被引用次数:0)

23) wang t#, yang f, wang z, zhang b*(共同通讯作者), wang w*, liu f*: modularization of grid cells constrained by the pyramidal patch lattice. iscience 2021, 24(4)102301. (if5.4582022if6.107中科院大类/小类:2/2区,被引用次数:0)

24) li x#, wang z, chen q, wang x, qing z, zhang w, lu j, wang j, zhang x, liu j, wang z*, li b*, zhang b*(共同通讯作者): atrophy in the left amygdala predicted drug responses in idiopathic generalized epilepsy patients with tonic–clonic seizures. frontiers in neuroscience 2021, 15: 236. (if4.6772022if5.152中科院大类/小类:3/3区,被引用次数:1)

25) chen q#, lu j#, zhang x#, sun y, chen w, li x, zhang w, qing z, zhang b*(独立通讯作者): alterations in dynamic functional connectivity in individuals with subjective cognitive decline. frontiers in aging neuroscience 2021, 13:646017.if5.752022if5.702, jcr q1中科院大类/小类:2/2区,被引用次数:4

26) chen q#, qing z#, jin j#, sun y, chen w, lu j, lv p, liu j, li x, wang j, zhang w, wu s, yan x, nedelska z, hort j, zhang x*, zhang b*(共同通讯作者): ego- and allo-network disconnection underlying spatial disorientation in subjective cognitive decline. cortex 2021, 137:35-48.if4.0272022if: 4.644, jcr q1区,中科院大类/小类:2/1区,被引用次数:0

27) chen q#, wu s#, li x#, sun y, chen w, lu j, zhang w, liu j, qing z, nedelskaz, hort j, zhang x, zhang b*(独立通讯作者): basal forebrain atrophy is associated with allocentric navigation deficits in subjective cognitive decline. frontiers in aging neuroscience 2021, 13:50. if5.752022if5.702, jcr q1中科院大类/小类:2/2区,被引用次数:3

28) wang m#, yang y, wang y, li m, zhang j, zhang b*(独立通讯作者): vessel-selective 4d mra based on asl might potentially show better performance than 3d tof mra for treatment evaluation in patients with intra-extracranial bypass surgery: a prospective study. european radiology 2021, 31: 5263–5271. (if: 5.3152022if7.034, jcr q1中科院大类/小类:2/2区,被引用次数:0)

29) zhang w#, qing z, hu y, shao m, lu j, wang j, li m, zhang x, nedelska z, hort j, wang z, qiao t*, zhang b*(共同通讯作者): thalamic atrophy plays a crucial role in the effect of asymptomatic carotid stenosis on cognitive impairment. clinical interventions in aging 2020, 15:2083-2094. (if:3.023,中科院大类/小类3/3区,被引用次数:0)

30) zhang s#, xin x#, wang y, guo y, hao q, yang x, wang j, zhang j*, zhang b*(共同通讯作者), wang w*: automated radiological report generation for chest x-rays with weakly-supervised end-to-end deep learning; 2020, basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology. (if:2.651jcr q3中科院大类/小类3/3区,被引用次数:0)

31) yuan l#, li d#, mu d, zhang x, kong w, cheng l, shu x, zhang b*(独立通讯作者), wang z*: combined t2 spair, dynamic enhancement and dw imaging reliably detect t staging and grading of bladder cancer with 3.0t mri. frontiers in oncology 2020, 10:582532.if: 4.848, jcr q2区,中科院大类/小类3/3区,被引用次数:2

32) yang q#, xu h, tang x, hu c, wang p, wáng yxj, wang y, ma g*, zhang b*(共同通讯作者): medical imaging engineering and technology branch of the chinese society of biomedical engineering expert consensus on the application of emergency mobile cabin ct. quantitative imaging in medicine and surgery 2020, 10(11):2191-2207. (if:3.226, jcr q2,中科院大类/小类:2/2区,被引用次数:1)

33) wu s#, upadhyay n, lu j, jiang x, li s, qing z, wang j, liang x, zhang x, zhang b*(独立通讯作者): interaction of catechol-o-methyltransferase val158met polymorphism and sex influences association of parietal intrinsic functional connectivity and immediate verbal memory. brain and behavior 2020:e01784. (if:2.091, jcr q3,中科院大类/小类:4/4区,被引用次数:2)

34) wang z#, zhang x#, liu r, wang y, qing z, lu j, obeso i, zhang b*(共同通讯作者), li y*: altered sulcogyral patterns of orbitofrontal cortex in patients with mild cognitive impairment. psychiatry research-neuroimaging 2020, 302:111108. (if: 2.063, jcr q3,中科院大类/小类:4/4区,被引用次数:4)

35) wang y#, lu x-f#, chen l-l, zhang y-w, zhang b*(独立通讯作者): multiple neurofibromas plus fibrosarcoma with familial nf1 pathogenicity: a case report.world journal of clinical cases 2020, 8(7):1306-1310. (if: 1.013, jcr q3区,中科院大类/小类:4/4区,被引用次数:0)

36) wang y#, lu x#, zhang y#, zhang x, wang k, liu j, li x, hu r, meng x, dou s, hao h, zhao x, hu w, li c, gao y, wang z, lu g, yan f*, zhang b*共同通讯作者: precise pulmonary scanning and reducing medical radiation exposure by developing a clinically applicable intelligent ct system: toward improving patient care. ebiomedicine 2020, 54:102724. (if: 5.736, jcr q1,中科院大类/小类:2/1区,被引用次数:15)

37) wang y, lu x, zhang b*(独立通讯作者): ileal diffuse ganglioneurosis with jejunal malrotation. asian journal of surgery 2020, 43(5):642-643. (if:1.838, jcr q3,中科院大类/小类:3/3区,被引用次数:0)

38) wang y, chen t, lu x, zhang b*(独立通讯作者): malignant gastrointestinal neuroectodermal tumor in the small intestine with liver metastasis: first case report worldwide. asian journal of surgery 2020, 43(7):769-772. (if:1.838, jcr q3,中科院大类/小类:3/3区,被引用次数:0)

39) wang j#, wu s#, sun y, fang y, wu r, lu j, qing z, liang x, wang z, zhang w, chen q, cao p, zhang b*(独立通讯作者): interaction of comt and kibra modulates the association between hippocampal structure and episodic memory performance in healthy young adults. behavioural brain research 2020, 384:112550. (if:2.977, jcr q2,中科院大类/小类:3/3区,被引用次数:0)

40) wang b#, gao j#, zhang q#, zhang c, liu g, wei w, huang h, fu y, li d, zhang b*(共同通讯作者), guo h*: investigating the equivalent performance of biparametric compared to multiparametric mri in detection of clinically significant prostate cancer. abdominal radiology 2020, 45(2):547-555. (if: 2.429, jcr q2,中科院大类/小类:3/3区,被引用次数:5)

41) ni l#, zhou f#, qing z#, zhang x, li m, zhu b, zhang b*(共同通讯作者), xu y*: the asymmetry of white matter hyperintensity burden between hemispheres is associated with intracranial atherosclerotic plaque enhancement grade. frontiers in aging neuroscience 2020, 12:163. (if: 4.362, jcr q1,中科院大类/小类:2/2区,被引用次数:2)

42) ni l#, zhang b#(共同第一作者), yang d, qin r, xu h, ma j, shao p, xu y*: lower cerebrovascular reactivity contributed to white matter hyperintensity-related cognitive impairment: a resting-state functional mri study. journal of magnetic resonance imaging 2020, 53(3):703-711. (if: 3.954, jcr q1,中科院大类/小类:2/2区,被引用次数:4)

43) mu d#*, li j, qi y, sun x, liu y, shen s, li y, xu b*, zhang b*(共同通讯作者): hyaluronic acid-coated polymeric micelles with hydrogen peroxide scavenging to encapsulate statins for alleviating atherosclerosis. journal of nanobiotechnology 2020, 18(1):179. (if: 6.518,中科院大类/小类:2/2区,被引用次数:13)

44) mu d#*, li d#, li j, yu h, chen w, liang j, wang d, li a, qing z, zhang b*(共同通讯作者): long non‐coding rna hulcprotects against atherosclerosis via inhibition ofpi3k/aktsignaling pathway. iubmb life 2020, 73(1):202-212. (if: 3.244, jcr q2,中科院大类/小类:4/4区,被引用次数:0)

45) lu j#, yuan l#, jin j#, yang s, zhang w, li m, zhang x, wang j, wu s, chen q, qing z, dai y, zhang b*(独立通讯作者), wang z: brain cortical complexity and subcortical morphometrics in lifelong premature ejaculation. frontiers in human neuroscience 2020, 14:283. (if: 2.673, jcr q3,中科院大类/小类:3/3区,被引用次数:6)

46) li y#, chen q#, wei z, zhang l, tie c, zhu y, jia s, xia j, liang d, he q, zhang x, liu x, zhang b*(共同通讯作者), zheng h*: one-stop mr neurovascular vessel wall imaging with a 48-channel coil system at 3 t. ieee transactions on biomedical engineering 2020, 67(8):2317-2327. (if: 4.424, jcr q1,中科院大类/小类:2/2区,被引用次数:8)

47) li j, luo y, shi l, zhang x, li m, zhang b*(共同通讯作者), wang d*: automatic fetal brain extraction from 2d in utero fetal mri slices using deep neural network. neurocomputing 2020, 378:335-349. (if: 4.438, jcr q1,中科院大类/小类:2/2区,被引用次数:15)

48) hu j#, qing z#, liu r, zhang x, lv p, wang m, wang y, he k, gao y, zhang b*(独立通讯作者): deep learning-based classification and voxel-based visualization of frontotemporal dementia and alzheimer's disease. frontiers in neuroscience 2020, 14:626154.if3.707, jcr q2 区,中科院大类/小类:3/3区,被引用次数:10

49) gao j#, zhang q#, fu y#, wang w, zhang c, kan y, huang h, li d, shi j, guo h*, zhang b*(共同通讯作者): combined clinical characteristics and multiparametric mri parameters for prediction of cribriform morphology in intermediate-risk prostate cancer patients. urologic oncology-seminars and original investigations 2020, 38(4):216-224. (if: 2.882, jcr q3,中科院大类/小类:3/3区,被引用次数:9)

50) zhang z#, zhang b#共同第一作者, wang x#, zhang x, yang qx, qing z, zhang w, zhu d#, bi y*: olfactory dysfunction mediates adiposity in cognitive impairment of type 2 diabetes: insights from clinical and functional neuroimaging studies. diabetes care 2019, 42(7):1274-1283. (if: 16.019, jcr q1,中科院大类/小类:1/1区,被引用次数:28)2022if19.112

51) zhang x#, sun y#, li w#, liu b, wu w, zhao h, liu r, zhang y, yin z, yu t, qing z, zhu b, xu y, nedelska z, hort j, zhang b*(独立通讯作者), alzheimer's disease neuroimaging i: characterization of white matter changes along fibers by automated fiber quantification in the early stages of alzheimer's disease. neuroimage-clinical 2019, 22:101723. (if: 4.35, jcr q2,中科院大类/小类:2/1区,被引用次数:20)

52) zhang b#, hua r#, qing z#, ni l, zhang x, zhao h, liu r, lu j, wu s, xu y, zhu b*, wan s*, sun y*: abnormal brain functional connectivity coupled with hypoperfusion measured by resting-state fmri: an additional contributing factor for cognitive impairment in patients with alzheimer's disease. psychiatry research-neuroimaging 2019, 289:18-25. (if: 2.063, jcr q3,中科院大类/小类:4/4区,被引用次数:10)

53) ye y#, zhou f#, zong j, lyu j, chen y, zhang s, zhang w, he q, li x, li m, zhang q, qing z, zhang b*(独立通讯作者): seed prioritized unwrapping (spun) for mr phase imaging. journal of magnetic resonance imaging 2019, 50(1):62-70. (if: 3.954, jcr q1,中科院大类/小类:2/2区,被引用次数:5)

54) xie y#, liu w#, zhang b*(共同通讯作者), wang b*, wang l, liu s, chen b, mai x, zang f: systematic intracellular biocompatibility assessments of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in human umbilical cord mesenchyme stem cells in testifying its reusability for inner cell tracking by mri. journal of biomedical nanotechnology 2019, 15(11):2179-2192. (if: 4.483 jcr q2,中科院大类/小类:3/3区,被引用次数:5)

55) wang y#, yan f#, lu x#, zheng g, zhang x, wang c, zhou k, zhang y, li h, zhao q, zhu h, chen f, gao c, qing z, ye j, li a, xin x, li d, wang h, yu h, cao l, zhao c, deng r, tan l, chen y, yuan l, zhou z, yang w, shao m, dou x, zhou n, zhou f, zhu y, lu g, zhang b*(独立通讯作者): iils: intelligent imaging layout system for automatic imaging report standardization and intra-interdisciplinary clinical workflow optimization. ebiomedicine2019, 44:162-181. (if: 6.68, jcr q1,中科院大类/小类:2/1区,被引用次数:15)

56) wang j#, yang y#, li x#, zhou f#, wu z, liang q, liu y, wang y, na s, chen x, zhang x, zhang b#*(独立通讯作者): lateral posterior choroidal collateral anastomosis predicts recurrent ipsilateral hemorrhage in adult patients with moyamoya disease. american journal of neuroradiology 2019, 40(10):1665-1671. (if: 3.381, jcr q2,中科院大类/小类:2/2区,被引用次数:8)

57) wan q#, zou c#, hu d, zhou j, chen m, tie c, qiao y, yan f, cheng c, sheng z, zhang b*(共同通讯作者), liu x*, liang d*, zheng h: imaging-guided focused ultrasound-induced thermal and sonodynamic effects of nanosonosensitizers for synergistic enhancement of glioblastoma therapy. biomaterials science 2019, 7(7):3007-3015. (if: 6.183, jcr q1,中科院大类/小类:2/2区,被引用次数:18)

58) tang w#, zhang b#(共同第一作者), wang h, li m, wang h, liu f, zhu d, bi y*: improved skeletal muscle energy metabolism relates to the recovery of beta cell function by intensive insulin therapy in drug naive type 2 diabetes. diabetes-metabolism research and reviews 2019, 35(7): e3177. (if: 3.314jcr q2,中科院大类/小类:3/3区,被引用次数:2)

59) qing z#, zhang x, ye m, wu s, wang x, nedelska z, hort j, zhu b, zhang b*(独立通讯作者): the impact of spatial normalization strategies on the temporal features of the resting-state functional mri: spatial normalization before rs-fmri features calculation may reduce the reliability. frontiers in neuroscience 2019, 13:1249. (if: 3.707, jcr q2,中科院大类/小类:3/3区,被引用次数:3)

60) lu x#, wang y#, jiang l, gao j, zhu y, hu w, wang j, ruan x, xu z, meng x, zhang b*(共同通讯作者), yan f*: a pre-operative nomogram for prediction of lymph node metastasis in bladder urothelial carcinoma. frontiers in oncology 2019, 9:488. (if: 3.707, jcr q2,中科院大类/小类:3/3区,被引用次数:8)

61) liu y#, wang m#, zhang b*(共同通讯作者), wang w, xu y, han y, yuan c, zhao x*: size of carotid artery intraplaque hemorrhage and acute ischemic stroke: a cardiovascular magnetic resonance chinese atherosclerosis risk evaluation study. journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance 2019, 21(1):36. (if: 5.361, jcr q1,中科院大类/小类:1/1区,被引用次数:17)

62) gao j#, zhang q#, zhang c#, chen m, li d, fu y, lv x, zhang b*(共同通讯作者), guo h*: diagnostic performance of multiparametric mri parameters for gleason score and cellularity metrics of prostate cancer in different zones: a quantitative comparison. clinical radiology 2019, 74(11):895 e817-895 e826. (if: 2.118, jcr q3,中科院大类/小类:4/4区,被引用次数:2)

63) chen x#, wang j#, liu y, yang y, zhou f, li x, zhang b*(独立通讯作者), zhao x: proximal internal carotid artery stenosis associates with diffuse wall thickening in petrous arterial segment of moyamoya disease patients: a three-dimensional magnetic resonance vessel wall imaging study. neuroradiology 2019, 61(1):29-36. (if: 2.238, jcr q3,中科院大类/小类:3/3区,被引用次数:5)

64) zhang z#, zhang b#(共同第一作者), wang x#, zhang x, yang qx, qing z, lu j, bi y*, zhu d*: altered odor-induced brain activity as an early manifestation of cognitive decline in patients with type 2 diabetes. diabetes 2018, 67(5):994-1006. (if: 7.199, jcr q1,中科院大类/小类:1/1区,被引用次数:24)

65) xin x#, shen j#, yang s, liu s, hu a, zhu b, jiang y, li b*, zhang b*(共同通讯作者): improved image quality of low-dose ct combining with iterative model reconstruction algorithm for response assessment in patients after treatment of malignant tumor. quantitative imaging in medicine and surgery 2018, 8(7):648-657. (if: 3.226, jcr q2,中科院大类/小类:2/2区,被引用次数:8)

66) lu j#, zhang x#, wang h#, qing z, han p, li m, xia j, chen f, yang b, zhu b, dai y*, zhang b*(共同通讯作者): short- and long-range synergism disorders in lifelong premature ejaculation evaluated using the functional connectivity density and network property. neuroimage-clinical 2018, 19:607-615. (if: 3.943, jcr q1,中科院大类/小类:2/1区,被引用次数:30)

67) lu j#, wang x#, qing z#, li z, zhang w, liu y, yuan l, cheng l, li m, zhu b, zhang x, yang qx, zhang b*(独立通讯作者): detectability and reproducibility of the olfactory fmri signal under the influence of magnetic susceptibility artifacts in the primary olfactory cortex. neuroimage 2018, 178:613-621. (if: 5.812, jcr q1,中科院大类/小类:1/1区,被引用次数:11)

68) liang x#, yin z#, liu r#, zhao h, wu s, lu j, qing z, wei y, yang q, zhu b, xu y, zhang b*(独立通讯作者): the role of mri biomarkers and their interactions with cognitive status and apoe ε4 in nondemented elderly subjects. neurodegenerative diseases 2018, 18(5-6):270-280. (if: 2.798, jcr q3,中科院大类/小类:4/4区,被引用次数:6)

69) hu j#, li m#, dai y#, geng c, tong b, zhou z, liang x, yang w, zhang b*(独立通讯作者): combining sense and reduced field-of-view for high-resolution diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging. biomedical engineering online 2018, 17(1):77. (if: 2.013, jcr q3,中科院大类/小类:3/4区,被引用次数:6)


1) 20225科技创新2030-脑科学与类脑研究重大项目scd转化为阿尔茨海默病新机制及其预警和干预体系的研究” 。2022zd0211800项目总经费5955.10万元,课题组二总经费1091.5万元。(课题二负责人,在研)

2) 20229国家自然科学基金面上项目基于眼动-fmri研究a-scd内嗅网格细胞-空间导航神经环路改变及调控机制。8227196552万元,2023-012026-12。(第一负责人,在研)

3) 20181国家自然科学基金重点国际(地区)合作项目scd空间导航神经环路的轻微损害特征预测ad转化的机制。81720108022232.00万元,2018-012022-12。(第一负责人,在研)

4) 201612国家自然科学基金重大研究计划衰老专项,培育项目网格细胞空间导航神经环路的衰老和退变特征及其预测ad转化的机制。91649116602017-012019-12(第一负责人,已结题

5) 20161国家自然科学基金面上项目mci空间导航障碍中内嗅-ca3/1及其高级皮层环路损害的神经机制。81571040572016-012019-12(第一负责人,已结题

6) 20141国家自然科学基金青年项目轻度认知障碍中血清mirna29 与脑磁共振dti 相关性及分子机制。8130092523元,2014-012016-12(第一负责人,结题)


7) 2020122020年度南京市工业和信息化发展专项资金(第三批)项目:全流程全系统医学影像人工智能应用平台。经费编号:se179-20212020-122022-12800万元第一负责人,在研)

8) 201912江苏省卫健委,医学科研项目重点项目基于功能磁共振结合rnn人工智能网络检测人脑内嗅皮层功能及其在超早期ad诊断中的应用k2019025202020-012022-12第一负责人,在研)

9) 20177江苏省科技厅,江苏省科技计划项目社会发展课题,脑科学计划,临床前沿技术嗅觉神经环路fmri新技术在ad早期诊断中的研究和临床应用。be201707200元,2017-072020-06(第一负责人,已结题

10) 20161江苏省卫计委,江苏省医学重点人才,十三五强卫工程基于影像遗传学的空间导航神经环路改变在ad早期诊断中的研究zdrca2016064150元,2016-012020-12 (第一负责人,已结题)

11) 201812第十五批六大人才高峰高层次人才项目基于眼动追踪视觉空间任务态fmri早期诊断阿尔茨海默病(ad)。b类,wsn-13810元,2019-012021-12 (第一负责人,已结题)

1) 20228月,皮层下灰质结构及白质纤维全节点定量分析技术在ad诊断及预测中的应用省卫生健康委2022年度医学引进新技术,二等奖,个人排名:第一名。

2) 202112多模态功能磁共振在原发全面性癫痫预后评估中的应用。2021年度南京市卫生健康委医学新技术奖一等奖,个人排名:第三名。

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4) 20217结构-功能多尺度海马环路特征及干预靶点在ad中的基础和临床研究2021年江苏医学科技奖,一等奖,个人排名:第一名。

5) 20214基于区域大数据开发人工智能影像诊断和排版系统(iils)及应用2020全国医疗人工智能创新奖,临床应用创新奖个人排名:第一名。

6) 202012面向重大传染性公共卫生突发事件的创新智能ctj9集团的解决方案2020年度上海市科学技术奖,科技进步奖,一等奖,个人排名:第四名。

7) 201791静息态boldhr-mri技术在卒中的血管-脑灌注一体化评估中的创新应用江苏省医学新技术引进奖,一等奖个人排名:第一名。

8) 201611高ad风险mci早期诊断的分子和影像生物标志物临床转化研究。华夏医学科技奖三等奖个人排名:第一名。

9) 20169多模式基因影像生物学标志物在高ad风险mci患者早期诊断中的应用。江苏省医学新技术引进奖,一等奖个人排名:第一名。

10) 201612多模式磁共振和分子标志物在mci早期诊断和预测转化中的研究。江苏医学科技奖,二等奖,个人排名:第一名。

11) 201581h-mrs定量肝脏脂肪在评估降糖药物疗效中的临床应用。江苏省卫生厅医疗新技术引进奖一等奖个人排名:第二名。
