
徐 标-j9集团
























faccfscai,主任医师、教授、博士生导师,心血管内科行政主任。江苏省医学重点人才,享受国家政府特殊津贴,中国医师协会整合心血管病学会副主任委员,中华医学会心血管病学分会委员,中国医师协会心血管病分会精准医学分会副主任委员,江苏省医学会心血管病学分会主任委员,江苏省医师协会心血管内科医师分会候任会长,江苏省预防医学会心血管疾病预防与控制专业委员会主任委员等,circulationcirculation researchj hypertensionatvbijbmsci期刊的特约审稿人,兼任《中华高血压杂志》、《中国动脉硬化杂志》等编委。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目研究8项,省级科研项目20余项。发表论文300余篇,sci收录150篇以上,其中两篇发表在《circulation》杂志上,影响因子达29.69,还有二篇论文发表在《ann inter med》,影响因子25.391,两篇发表在《basicres cardio》,影响因子17.1分,研究成果被escaccaha等国际著名指南引用。其带领的团队曾获得其带领的团队曾获得“江苏省医学重点学科”称号、“江苏省科技创新团队”称号、中华医学科技三等奖、中国杰出心血管病研究奖、江苏医学科技一等奖、江苏省新技术引进一等奖、江苏省科技进步二等奖、江苏省科技进步三等奖、南京市科技进步二等奖等多个奖项。


  1. wei z, yang y, li q, yin y, wei z, zhang w, mu d, ni j, sun x, xu b. the transcriptome of circulating cells indicates potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets in the course of hypertension-related myocardial infarction. genes dis, 2021, 8 (4): 555-68.

  2. wei z, chen z, zhao y, fan f, xiong w, song s, yin y, hu j, yang k, yang l, xu b, ge j. mononuclear phagocyte system blockade using extracellular vesicles modified with cd47 on membrane surface for myocardial infarction reperfusion injury treatment. biomaterials, 2021, 275: 121000.

  3. liu y, xu j, wu m, xu b, kang l. empagliflozin protects against atherosclerosis progression by modulating lipid profiles and sympathetic activity. lipids health dis, 2021, 20 (1): 5.

  4. liu y, wu m, xu j, xu b, kang l. empagliflozin prevents from early cardiac injury post myocardial infarction in non-diabetic mice. eur j pharm sci, 2021, 161: 105788.

  5. huang y, lei d, chen z, xu b. factors associated with microvascular occlusion in patients with st elevation myocardial infarction after primary percutaneous coronary intervention. j int med res, 2021, 49 (6): 3000605211024490.

  6. hu t, zhu p, liu y, zhu h, geng j, wang b, yuan g, peng y, xu b. pm2.5 induces endothelial dysfunction via activating nlrp3 inflammasome. environ toxicol, 2021.

  7. liu y, zhang w, hu t, ni j, xu b, huang w. a doxorubicin-induced murine model of dilated cardiomyopathy in vivo. j vis exp, 2020.

  8. liu y, xu j, wu m, kang l, xu b. the effector cells and cellular mediators of immune system involved in cardiac inflammation and fibrosis after myocardial infarction. j cell physiol, 2020, 235 (12): 8996-9004.

  9. liu y, xu j, gu r, li z, wang k, qi y, sun x, xie j, wang l, xu b, kang l. circulating exosomal mir-144-3p inhibits the mobilization of endothelial progenitor cells post myocardial infarction via regulating the mmp9 pathway. aging (albany ny), 2020, 12 (16): 16294-303.

  10. xuan sunzilun weiyuyu lijunzhuo wangjiaxin huyong yinjun xiebiao xu .renal denervation restrains the inf ammatory response in myocardial ischemia–reperfusion injury. basic research in cardiology(2020) 115:15.

  11. junzhuo wangziwei chenqing daijinxuan zhaozilun weijiaxin huxuan sunjun xiebiao xu.intravenously delivered mesenchymal stem cells prevent microvascular obstruction formation after myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury. basic research in cardiology(2020) 115:40.

  12. xin-lin zhang,xiao-wen zhang, rong-fang lan, zheng chen, lian wang, wei xu, and biao xu.long-term and temporal outcomes of transcatheter versus surgical aortic-valve replacement in severe aortic stenosis: a meta-analysis. annals of surgery.2020 jun 3.

  13. zilun wei, yining yang ,qiaoling li, yong yinzhonghai wei, wenfeng zhang, dan mu,jie nixuan sun,biao xu.the transcriptome of circulating cells indicates potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets in the course of hypertension-related myocardial infarction. genes & diseases2020

  14. jinxuan zhao, xueling li, jiaxin hu, fu chen, shuaihua qiao, xuan sunling gao, jun xie, and biao xu mesenchymal stromal cell-derived exosomes attenuate myocardial ischaemia-reperfusion injury through mir-182-regulated macrophage polarization. cardiovasc res.2019;115(7):1205-1216

  15. hai cheng,, yuhan chen, xueling li, fu chen, jinxuan zhao,jiaxin hu, anqi shan, shuaihua qiao,zilun wei, guixin he and biao xu. involvement of apelin/apj axis in thrombogenesis in value heart disease patient with atrial fibrillation. international heart journal. 2019,60(1):145-150

  16. wei zilun, qiao shuaihua, zhao jinxuan, liu yihai, li qiaoling, wei zhonghai,dai qing, kang lina, xu biao.mirna-181a over-expression in mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes influenced inflammatory response after myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury. life sciences. 2019 sep 1;232:116632.

  17. zhong-hai wei, wen-zhi shen, jian bai, jun xie, wen-qing ji, lian wang, wei xu,biao xu.treatment of refractory ventricular tachycardia with combination of alcohol ablation and radiofrequency ablation. journal of geriatric cardiology. 2019(16):660-662.

  18. xin-lin zhang , rong-fang lan,xiao-wen zhang, wei xu ,lian wang , li-na kang,biao xu.association between baseline, achieved, and reduction of crp and cardiovascular outcomes after ldl cholesterol lowering with statins or ezetimibe: a systematic review and meta-analysis. j am heart assoc. 2019;8:e012428.

  19. , ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  .meta-analysis comparing results of transcatheter versus surgical aortic-valve replacement in patients withsevereaortic stenosis. am j cardiol. 00:1−10

  20. , , ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  , , ,  .long non-coding rna meg3 knockdown attenuates endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated apoptosis by targeting p53 following myocardial infarction. j cell mol med. 2019 dec;23(12):8369-8380.

  21. ,  ,  , ,  ,  ,  , . treatment of refractory ventricular tachycardia with combination of alcohol ablation and radiofrequency ablation. j geriatr cardiol.. 2019 aug;16(8):660-662.

  22. ,  ,  , , , ,  , ,  . pm2.5 promotes plaque vulnerability at different stages of atherosclerosis and the formation of foam cells via tlr4/myd88/nfκb pathway. ecotoxicol environ saf. 2019 jul 30;176:76-84.

  23. , , , , , , ,  .lim kinase 1 acts as a profibrotic mediator in permanent atrial fibrillation patients with valvular heart disease. j biosci. 2019 mar;44(1). pii: 16.

  24. ,  ,  , , , , ,   combined primary pci with multiple thrombus burden reduction therapy improved cardiac function in patients with acute anterior myocardial infarction. int heart j. 2019 jan 25;60(1):27-36.

  25. , , ,  ,  ,  ,  , ,  ,  ,  . identification of the potential therapeutic target gene ube2c in human hepatocellular carcinoma: an investigation based on geo and tcga databases. oncology letters. 2019;17(6):5409-5418.

  26. , , , , and .resveratrol improves tube formation in age-induced late endothelial progenitor cells by suppressing syndecan-4 shedding. . 2018; 2018: 9045976.

  27. jun x, jin g, fu c, jinxuan z, xuelin l, jiaxin h, shuaihua q, anqi s, jianzhou c, lian z, xiwen z, baoli z, biao x.pm2.5 promotes abdominal aortic aneurysm formation in angiotensin ⅱ-infused apoe-/- mice.  2018 aug;104:550-557. 

  28. wei zh, dai q, wu h, song j, wang l, xu b.takotsubo cardiomyopathy after pacemaker implantation. j geriatr cardiol. 2018 mar;15(3):246-248.

  29. wang k, shen y, li pw, gu r, zhang jm, wang l, bai j, xu b. st-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients complicated by out-of-hospital cardiac arrest may not benefit from emergency percutaneous intervention. chin med j (engl). 2018 mar 20;131(6):746-747.

  30. zhang xl, kang ln, wang l, xu b.percutaneous closure versus medical therapy for stroke with patent foramen ovale: a systematic review and meta-analysis.bmc cardiovasc disord. 2018 mar 2;18(1):45.

  31. zhang xw, zhang xl, xu b, kang ln.comparative safety and efficacy of insulin degludec with insulin glargine in type 2 and type 1 diabetes: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.acta diabetol. 2018 may;55(5):429-441.

  32. hu l, yao x, huang h, guo z, cheng x, xu y, shen y, xu b, li d.clinical significance of germline copy number variation in susceptibility of human diseases.j genet genomics. 2018 jan 20;45(1):3-12.

  33. di w, lv j, jiang s, lu c, yang z, ma z, hu w, yang y, xu b.pgc-1: the energetic regulator in cardiac metabolism.curr issues mol biol. 2018 feb 1;28:29-46.

  34. qing dai, jie song, jian he, biao xu.rare case of anomalous original left circumflex artery stenosis after artificial mitral valve replacement. jacc: cardiovascular interventions. 2017 apr 10;10(7):e71-e73.

  35.  xin-lin zhang, qing-qing zhu, jing-jing yang, yu-han chen, yang li, su-hui zhu, jun xie, lian wang,li-na kang and biao xu.percutaneous intervention versus coronary artery bypass graft surgery in left main coronary artery stenosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. bmc medicine.2017 apr 21;15(1):84.

  36.  xinlin zhang, jun xie, suhui zhu, yuhan chen, lian wang, biao xu.next-generation sequencing identifies pathogenic and modifier mutations in a consanguineous chinese family with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. medicine. 96(24): p. e7010.

  37.  xin-lin zhang, qing-qing zhu, li-na kang, xue-ling li, and biao xu.mid- and long-term outcome comparisons of everolimus-eluting bioresorbable scaffolds versus everolimus-eluting metallic stents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. annals of internal medicine. 20171679):642-654.

  38.  xin-lin zhang, biao xu.transcatheter aortic valve implantation versus surgical aortic valve replacement. annals of internal medicine. 20171668):605.

  39. guannan li, jun xie, jianzhou chen, ran li, han wu, xinlin zhang, qinhua chen, rong gu , biao xu.syndecan-4 deficiency accelerates the transition from compensated hypertrophy to heart failure following pressure overload. cardiovascular pathology. may-june2017 volume 28pages74–79.

  40. guannan li, jianzhou chen, xinlin zhang, guixin he, wei tan, han wu, ran li,yuhan chen, rong gu, jun xie & biao xu.cardiac repair in a mouse model of acute myocardial infarction with trophoblast stem cells. scientific reports. 2017 mar 15;7:44376.

  41.  jun xie, yuhan chen, chuanxian hu, quanhua pan, bingjian wang, xueling li, jin gengand biao xu.premature senescence of cardiac fibroblasts and atrial fibrosis in patients with atrial fibrillation. oncotarget. 2017, 8(35)57981-57990.

  42. xueling li, jin geng, yuhan chen, fu chen, chen liu, qiwen xu, jinxuan zhao,jiaxin hu, jun xie, biao xu.exposure to particulate matter induces cardiomyocytes apoptosis after myocardial infarction through nfkb activation. biochem biophys res commun. 2017 jun 17;488(1):224-231.

  43.  jun xie, suhui zhu, qing dai, jianrong lu, jianzhou chen, guannan li, han wu, ran li, wei huang, biao xu, wei xu,.oncostatin m was associated with thrombosis in patients with atrial fibrillation. medicine. (2017) 96:18(e6806)

  44.  gui-xin he,jun xiehao,jiangweitan,biao xu.effects of qishen yiqi dripping pills () in reducing myocardial injury and preserving microvascular function in patients undergoing elective percutaneous coronary intervention: a pilot randomized study. chin j integr med.2017 may 3.

  45.  wen lu,jun xie, rong gu,and biao xu.expression of integrin-linked kinase improves cardiac function in a swine model of myocardial infarction. exp ther med. 2017 may;13(5):1868-1874

  46.  jin geng, yanchun zhang, bingjian wang, jun xie, biao xu, ju li.glycosylated hemoglobin levels and clinical outcomes in nondiabetic patients with coronary artery disease. medicine (baltimore). 2017 apr; 96(17): e6784.

  47.  yang li, jing-jing yang, su-hui zhu, biao xu, lian wang.long-term efficacy and safety of carotid artery stenting versus endarterectomy: a meta analysis of randomized controlled trials. plos one. 2017 jul 14;12(7):e0180804.

  48.  jun xie,ran li,han wu,jian-zhou chen,guan-nan  li,qin-hua chen,zhong-hai wei,gui-xin he,lian wang,albett ferro,biao xu. advanced glycation endproducts impair endothelial progenitor cell migration and homing via syndecan 4 shedding. stem cells. 2017,352:522-531.

  49.  xin-lin zhang, biao xu.everolimus-eluting bioresorbable scaffold versus everolimus-eluting metallic stents. annals of internal medicine. 2016 dec 6;165(11):829. doi: 10.7326/l16-0419.

  50.  jiang c, zhu w, yan x, shao q, xu b, zhang m, gong r.rescue therapy with tanshinone iia hinders transition of acute kidney injury to chronic kidney disease via targeting gsk3β. sci rep. 2016 nov 18;6:36698. doi: 10.1038/srep36698.

  51.  hanwu, zheng chen, jun xie, li-na kang, lianwang, and biao xu.high mobility group box-1: a missing link between diabetes and its complications. mediators inflamm. olume 2016, article id 3896147, 11 pages.

  52.  han wu,zhen-qiang sheng,jun xie,ran li,liang chen,guan-nan li,lianwang,and biao xu.reduced hmgb 1-mediated pathway and oxidative stress in resveratrol-treated diabetic mice: a possible mechanism of cardioprotection of resveratrol in diabetes mellitus. oxid med cell longev. volume 2016, article id 9836860, 10 pages.

  53.  zhonghai wei,jun xie,kun wang,lina , qing ,jian , biao .comparison of percutaneous coronary intervention versus coronary artery bypass graft in aged patients with unprotected left main artery lesions.. international heart journal. 2016,57(6):682-688.

  54.  li l, lopes j, zhou jy, xu b. integrating medical simulation into the physician assistant physiology curriculum. j physician assist educ. 2016 dec;27(4):156-161.

  55.  ran li,han wu ,jun xie ,guannan li ,rong gu ,lina kang ,lian wang,biao xu.syndecan-4 regulates the bfgf-induced chemotactic migration of endothelial cells. j mol histol. 2016 oct;47(5):503-9. doi: 10.1007/s10735-016-9693-0.

  56.  li sn, zhang xl, cai gl, lin rw, jiang h, chen jz, xu b,huang w.prognostic significance of frontal qrs-t angle in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. chin med j (engl). 2016 aug 20;129(16):1904-11. doi: 10.4103/0366-6999.187844.

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  58. zhonghai wei, xinlin zhang, han wu, jun xie, qing dai,lian wang, biao xu. a meta-analysis for efficacy and safety evaluation of transcatheter left atrial appendage occlusion inpatients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation.medicine, 2016,95(31):e4382

  59.  geng j, ye x, liu c, xie j, chen j, xu b, wang b.outcomes of off- and on-hours admission in st-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention: a retrospective observational cohort study. medicine (baltimore). 2016 jul;95(27):e4093. doi: 10.1097.

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  62.   han wu, liang chen, jun xie, ran li, guan-nan li, qin-hua chen, xin-lin zhang, li-na kang and biao xu.periostin expression induced by oxidative stress contributes to myocardial fibrosis in a rat model of high salt-induced hypertension. mol med rep. 14: 776-782, 2016.

  63.  li j, li y, xu b, jia g, guo t, wang d, xu k, deng j, han y.short-term rosuvastatin therapy prevents contrast-induced acute kidney injury in female patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease: a subgroup analysis of the track-d study. j thorac dis. 2016 may;8(5):1000-6. doi: 10.21037/jtd.2016.03.26.

  64. zhonghai wei, lian wang, jun xie, wei huang, lina kang, kun wang, jingmei zhang, jie song, biao xu.the therapeutic effect of rotational atherectomy with implantation of drug eluting stent in heavily coronary calcified patients. journal of geriatric cardiology,2016,13:233-238

  65.  xin-lin zhang,li zhu,zhong-haiwei, qing-qing zhu,jian-zhong qiao, qing dai, wei huang, xiao-hong li, jun xie, li-na kang, lianwang, and biao xu.comparative efficacy and safety of everolimus-eluting ioresorbable scaffold versus everolimus-eluting metallic stents. annals of internal medicine. 2016 jun 7;164(11):752-63. doi: 10.7326/m16-0006.

  66. , , , , , , , . syndecan-4 shedding impairs macrovascular angiogenesis in diabetes mellitus. biochem biophys res commun. 2016 may 20;474(1):15-21. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2016.03.112.

  67.  guixin he,wei tan, bingjianwang, jianzhou chen, guannan li, suhui zhu,jun xie, biao xu.increased m1 macrophages infiltration is associated with thrombogenesis in rheumatic mitral stenosis patients with atrial fibrillation.plos one. 2016 mar 1;11(3):e0149910. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0149910.

  68.  qiaoling li, jun xie, bingjianwang, ran li, jian bai, liang ding, rong gu,lianwang, biao xu.overexpression of microrna-99a attenuates cardiac ypertrophy. plos one. 2016 feb 25;11(2):e0148480.








2013年,cdx2 胎盘干细胞移植治疗急性心肌梗塞的实验研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,81270281


















左室重构的分子机制和干预靶点的研究(2017年,江苏省医学科技奖一等奖 ,排名第一)。





